How do you count "Count"?
Why is "Northwest" 1 instead of 2 for 2021?

For now so:

select v.Branchnvl(sum(%FOREACH(v.Branch)),0) "Count" from 
  select 'Northwest' Branch,$listbuild('Northern','Western'Branches union
  select 'Oriental',$listbuild('Eastern'union
  select 'Southern',$listbuild('Southern')
  ) v
left join
  (select replace(%exact(Branch),' branch',''Branch,count(%FOREACH(Branch)) from yourtable where year("Date")=2021 group by Branchm
on m.Branch %inlist v.Branches
group by v.Branch

You are implicitly using %Library.SqlQuery:Func() method, in which, as @Robert Cemper rightly pointed out, $get() is used.

You can do it differently:

Query GetInfo(pObject AS Kurro.MyClassAs %SQLQuery(CONTAINID 1ROWSPEC "IdList:%String,IdProcess:%String,Duration:%String") [ SqlProc ]
    SELECT IdListIdProcessDuration
    FROM Kurro.MyClass
    WHERE KeyProcess :pObject.KeyProcess
    AND CodeSpecialist :pObject.CodeSpecialist
    AND CodeProvider :pObject.CodeProvider
    AND CodeCenter :pObject.CodeCenter
    AND "Date" :pObject.Date

set obj=##class(Kurro.MyClass).%New()
set obj.KeyProcess="1033004-1#"
set obj.CodeSpecialist "surgery"
set obj.CodeProvider "PR002"
set obj.CodeCenter "CENTER-01"
set obj.Date $ZDATETIME($ZDATETIMEH("2021-04-30 15:45:00",3,1),3,1)

set st=##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()
set sc=st.%PrepareClassQuery("Kurro.MyClass","GetInfo")
  if $$$ISERR(sc{write "%PrepareClassQuery failed:" do $System.Status.DisplayError(scquit}
set result=st.%Execute(obj)
do result.%Display()

I don't quite understand what you want to get.

If in the forehead, then so:

 From (Select valueId Union Select Union Select Union Select Union Select 5) v
     left Join otherTable m
        on v.valueId

But you can achieve the same thing more easily through IN or %INLIST.