Question Michael Gosselin · Aug 28, 2023 Atelier API in VSCode causing errors with IRIS I have a problem. Occasionally, I am getting locked out of IRIS because of password failures. However, the failures aren't necessarily related to my password. We are using VSCode, and I have installed one or two proposed APIs for use with the software (because that's just how I am; I want to learn the new stuff). Today, I had that problem again. The step that caused the problem was most likely when I was trying to switch the branch I was using and updating within VSCode. Let's say I was switching from branch "1A" to branch "2B". When I did this, IRIS caught two password errors: #API #Development Environment #InterSystems IRIS for Health #VSCode 1 1 0 178
Question Michael Gosselin · Jun 15, 2023 VS Code Intersystems Server Manager can't save a new server setting I am trying to set up VS Code so that it will connect to a new server running IRIS 2023.1, and I can't seem to get the setup to accept my errors. I enter all the requested information, and at the end I receive a message: Failed to store server '$(name)' definition. Source: InterSystems Server Manager (Extension) #VSCode 0 10 0 273
Question Michael Gosselin · Jun 12, 2023 Throwback code: $zu(0) and $zu(1) (aka, $ZUtil(0) and $ZUtil(1)) This is for the veteran programmers out there (you know who you are; you started programming before date 60000). I'm in the middle of updates for our system, and I've come across many $ZU() calls. Most of them are documented in the "Replacement List", but two are missing: $ZUtil(0) and $ZUtil(1). I honestly don't remember what these are for (and I'm pretty sure I used them in code in a previous century), so if someone can tell me, great. If you can provide a link to a reference, better! As always, I appreciate your help. #Caché 0 10 0 387
Question Michael Gosselin · Jun 6, 2023 What are Best Practices for Lookup Tables? I am curious as to why one would use lookup tables, and what would be the best practices regarding them. We have two namespaces, and we would like to use the lookup table in each one. But, there's no clear outline of when to use them, and what are the best ways to use them? Any help is appreciated. #Interoperability #InterSystems IRIS 1 2 0 736
Question Michael Gosselin · Dec 9, 2020 TranslateTable Probably a simple question, but where do I find the list of Translate Tables? The documentation wasn't clear. Thank you, #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 6 0 467
Question Michael Gosselin · May 14, 2020 %Stream.Object.1.INT doesn't exist on server So, I was doing a debug test on a routine, and tried to open a file (yes, it does exist) as so: s file=##class(%File).%Open($$$airfile,"R") #Debugging #Caché 0 2 0 384
Question Michael Gosselin · Apr 30, 2020 Invalid claspath in IRIS demo? Hi again! I logged into the demo IRIS again, and for some reason, today, I had an "Classpath is incomplete" warning message. The classpath is defined under quickstarts-multimodel-java. Here is the contents of the file : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <classpath> #Multi-model #InterSystems IRIS 0 3 0 184
Question Michael Gosselin · Sep 26, 2019 Cannot get to Open Exchange software I learned about the Open Exchange tab here at Intersystems. I wanted to look at one of them, but when I clicked it, it tried to go to the site, then brought me back to I then saw a "not secure" icon in the browser bar. I tried this on IE, Chrome, and Firefox, and could never seem to get into the site to look at the site #Open Exchange 1 4 0 164
Question Michael Gosselin · May 22, 2018 Faster finds in large Unix directories We have this challenge at our site. When we first designed it many years ago, we decided that the best way to store files was with a unique identifier, which matched one of the fields in the corresponding record. For example, if the unique identifier was a nine-digit field (such as a SSN), we'd save a file as nnnnnnnnn.ext, where nnnnnnnnn is the nine-digit number, and ext is the file extension. If we needed a change to the file, we'd file as nnnnnnnnn_hdate.ext, where hdate is the horolog date. #Caché 0 2 0 308
Question Michael Gosselin · Jul 29, 2016 How best to "break" my code Hello,I've been doing this for years. Well, decades. And, I pride myself in being able to break other people's code.However, sometimes I don't apply the same dedication to breaking my code. That needs to change. #Object Data Model #Caché 1 6 0 566