Question Thomas Wuppermann · Feb 10 How to rotate Webgateway-logs While upgrading old Ensemble and Health Connect applications to V 2024.1 we are installing many webgateways since the private webserver is deprecated. Configuring the "Default Parameters" we can determine the "Event Log Rotation Size" but not the count of preserved logfiles. So even if the webgateway cuts the logs in pieces they could fill up the disk space entirely for there seems to be no cleanup-job for old logfiles. What is the recommended way to deal with this situation? Do I have to create a schduled job on OS-level? #Web Gateway #Health Connect 0 2 0 41
Question Thomas Wuppermann · Sep 23, 2022 Problem with configuration of Kerberos Auth with Docker (or Linux) While the documentation of configuring authentication with Kerberos for IRIS on Linux servers is sparse, for docker i found no docs at all. Assuming I would be able to adapt the requirements from linux to docker (on linux host) I had no success at all. Has anyone successfully done this? #Authentication #Docker #InterSystems IRIS 0 0 0 272