Big news from the Open Exchange platform!
We've been busy behind the scenes, not just giving the place a new look but also packing in some nifty features we think you'll love—many of which were inspired by your requests and feedback. It's all part of our ongoing mission to boost the quality of the apps and ensure the world sees the incredible work you're putting in. From streamlining your workflow to boosting collaboration, our aim is to support and highlight your creativity. Excited for you to explore and experience the new enhancements!

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Dear all,

We would like to invite you to an exciting online event related to the InterSystems Open Exchange app gallery. The purpose is to discuss the features and upgrades of the Open Exchange and gather feedback from the Community.

Date: March 1st, 2023
Time: 9:00 am Boston // 3:00 pm Berlin // 6:00 pm Dubai // 10:00 pm Beijing time
>> Registration here <<

Topics that we will cover:

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· Feb 16, 2023
What's new on Open Exchange

Hi Community,

Just to make sure you're up-to-date with the latest happenings on Open Exchange as there have been some updates that you might have missed, but could be really helpful for you. Take a look and see if any of them can benefit you in your work!

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