go to post Sergei Shutov · Mar 15, 2023 Well first of all there is a first-class support for FHIR data in IRIS for Health and I would definitely recommend to use it instead of rolling out your own class-based solution. See documentation here https://docs.intersystems.com/irisforhealth20221/csp/docbook/Doc.View.cl... If you want to work with projections, given that even basic data fields in FHIR are quite complex https://www.hl7.org/fhir/datatypes.html#primitive you'll need to define separate embedded classes for each data type; it doesn't have to be a separate class for each field.
go to post Sergei Shutov · Aug 29, 2022 SAM was built as a "gateway" to proper custom Prometheus/Grafana setup for cases when you only need to monitor IRIS. If you are building more complex solution, with non-InterSystems sources, I would recommend to set up Prometheus separately from SAM and just add SAM monitoring endpoints there.
go to post Sergei Shutov · Jul 28, 2022 Hi Michael, You should have one top-level dispatch class which will dispatch individual API calls to separate endpoint classes. <!-- teapots --> <Map Prefix="/teapots" Forward="REST.Teapots"/> <!-- kettles --> <Map Prefix="/kettles" Forward="REST.Kettles"/>
go to post Sergei Shutov · Apr 11, 2022 This is true for this particular version of Ensemble, but in IRIS this behaviour has changed -- even Embedded queries are using Dynamic SQL now. See discussion here https://community.intersystems.com/post/what-happened-embedded-sql
go to post Sergei Shutov · Mar 1, 2022 Hi Tom, You need to contact TRC for this one, since it will depend slightly on the Version and Edition you are using, and will most probably involve some custom code to map your AD role structure into TrakCare's security groups. They will be able to guide you in the right direction. CheersSergei ShutovBanksia Globalhttps://banksiaglobal.com
go to post Sergei Shutov · Nov 9, 2021 Hi Evgeny, this is very much dependent on how you log in :) If you are using "basic auth" method directly from browser (where it will prompt you for login/password once), you can change username by using "username@" in address bar, for example http://userB@ Hope this helps!=Sergei ShutovBanksia Global | https://banksiaglobal.com
go to post Sergei Shutov · Oct 15, 2021 In your case sigalg will be RS256 instead of HS256 and you'll need to call ##class(%OAuth2.JWKS).AddX509 instead of ##class(%OAuth2.JWKS).AddOct to use your private RSA keys. It's definitely a bit of a challenge, but should be doable!
go to post Sergei Shutov · Oct 12, 2021 Hi Muhammad, You should look at csvgen package by @Evgeny Shvarov https://github.com/evshvarov/csvgen There are a few examples of importing data from GitHub on the home page. You can have a look at the source code to see how it's done if you need more flexibility.
go to post Sergei Shutov · Sep 16, 2021 Hi Sai Sai, One thing you might look into in regards to distribution and deployment is ZPM Package Manager https://github.com/intersystems-community/zpm . It's still under active development, but is already very usable at the moment, you can use it with a self-hosted open source private registry https://github.com/intersystems-community/zpm-registry/ and my consultancy is currently developing a commercial hosted version which will be announced at Virtual Summit next month. There is an example of an Interoperability packaging at GitHub: https://github.com/intersystems-community/iris-interoperability-template In terms of deployment, unless you have MASSIVE productions, I would recommend to deploy the whole thing at once even if not everything has changed -- it's just a lot less moving parts and options for errors this way, and you can test deployments on your test server as many times as you like. Hope this helps! Sergei ShutovManaging Director, Banksia Globalhttps://banksiaglobal.com
go to post Sergei Shutov · Jul 7, 2021 You can use %IGNOREINDEX and %NOINDEX keywords, have a look here in documentation https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls...
go to post Sergei Shutov · Jul 6, 2021 Did you try to rebuild indices and purge cached queries? Also, have a look at the execution plan in the Management portal -- it will tell you which indices it uses and how it builds a result.
go to post Sergei Shutov · May 20, 2021 Which HealthShare version do you use? There was an enhancement in HS 2019.2 to include "H"/"L" flags in Clinical viewer: https://docs.intersystems.com/hs20211/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KE...
go to post Sergei Shutov · May 16, 2021 Hi Adrian, Multi factor authentication can be enabled if you use single sign on or LDAP in TrakCare and your auth provider supports it. Please contact TRC for details.
go to post Sergei Shutov · May 10, 2021 Hi Ishan, 1) - There is Trak documentation but it's not publicly available, you need to get access via TRC https://trc.intersystems.com/ 2) There are no settings for fonts/colours, you need to use custom CSS file to change those
go to post Sergei Shutov · Apr 28, 2021 You'll have to do it manually http://www.herongyang.com/Cryptography/DES-JDK-What-Is-PKCS5Padding.html
go to post Sergei Shutov · Apr 28, 2021 AES ECB encryption/decryption is done using AESEncode/AESDecode methods in the same package. They are deprecated so don't appear in documentation.
go to post Sergei Shutov · Apr 18, 2021 You can use <img> tag and get a Google Maps image using Static GMaps API Documentation for <img> https://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/Doc.View.cls?KEY=GRPT_c... Documentation for static maps API https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/maps-static/overview
go to post Sergei Shutov · Dec 8, 2020 On older versions you can use built-in health monitor (docs) You can also use SNMP (docs) with SNMP agent like Zabbix
go to post Sergei Shutov · Aug 21, 2019 Hi Jude,For questions like this you should use TRC https://trc.intersystems.com/ -- this is likely related to your environment setup which shouldn't be shared publicly and there are not many Trak people on the Developer community anyway.CheersSergei