Hadn’t used it since Ensemble 2009 ;-), to provide custom html output displayed by the management portal when viewing a message of a class extending Ens.MessageBody, you can override the %GetContentType() and %ShowContents() methods of Ens.Util.MessageBodyMethods in your message class.

Here is a small example :

Class dc.sample.msg.Message Extends Ens.MessageBody

Property Name As %String [ InitialExpression = "you" ];

// returns MIME content type
Method %GetContentType() As %String
    return "text/html"

// output content
Method %ShowContents()

Storage Default
<Data name="MessageDefaultData">
<Value name="1">


In the management portal message viewer, the message gets displayed as :


To summarize the documentation :

  • ReplyCodeActions settings of HL7 operations is a comma-separated list of specifiers in the form <code>=<actions>, where <code> is an expression matching error condition(s) and <actions> is a string of one letter action codes.
  • All codes where <actions> consists of only 'W' (for 'log a Warning') will be evaluated, and a warning will be generated for each matching <code>.
  • Other <code> values will be evaluated in left-to-right order, executing the first matching <code> that has a non-warning <actions> value. As noted in the details for the 'W' flag, an error that only triggers 'W' <actions> will be treated as Completed OK.
  • if ReplyCodeActions is empty, a default setting is used. For HL7 operations, it is : 
    • :?R=RF,:?E=S,:~=S,:?A=C,:*=S,:I?=W,:T?=C

To match the application reject code in the HL7 ACK^O01 message in the example, and suspend all matching messages, use the following specifier, that matches all ACKs with MSA:1 = "AR" and suspend message, while retaining default behavior for other error conditions : 


Yes, ^SPOOL is the simplest way to achieve this. If you need a string rather than a global, you can just get all lines from ^SPOOL, for example :

ClassMethod ZWriteToString() As %String
 #Dim result as %String
 #Dim i,lineCount as %Integer
 kill ^SPOOL($j)
 open 2:$j
 use 2
 s result=""
 s lineCount=$select($data(var):$za-1,1:$za-2)
 close 2
 for i=1:1:lineCount s result=result_^SPOOL($j,i)	
 return result


Using out-of-the-box classes in the EnsLib.HL7 package, you can either completely ignore responses, either process them synchronously. More complex scenarios involving multiple responses (ack/nack) are supported (see Important HL7 Scenarios | Routing HL7 Version 2 Messages in Productions | InterSystems IRIS for Health 2023.1
), but I think they do not match your supplier requirements.

According to the standard, when sending multiple HL7 v2.x messages over MLLP/TCP, the sender (initiating module) must wait for a response before sending the next message. This is described in  "Health Level Seven Implementation Support Guide", Appendix C, section  C.6.4, item 5. : 

It is assumed that an initiating module may connect and perform more than one message transaction before disconnecting, but it may not have more than one outstanding message waiting for a response.  In other words, the initiating task must wait for the response to a given message before sending another message.

This vendor requirement to receive multiple messages before sending responses is thus non-standard. It would require the sender to keep track of sent messages with a pending response, handle asynchronous replies and retry errored messages.

While this is possible by writing custom adapter/operation extending the out-of-the-box classes in EnsLib.HL7 package, it would add a lot of complexity and has IMHO, little added value compared to the usual synchronous implementation.

For a simple message transformation flow example, I would go for record map :

So you can focus on DTL and the whole flow can be done from the administration portal, look ma, no code  ;-)


Assuming your question is about HL7 (or EDI) message serialization.

The DTL is meant for parsing and transforming the message into another one.
Serialization occurs when you output the message using the corresponding instance methods.

For an instance of the EnsLib.HL7.Message class, methods that output the message such as OutputToFile() are using instance properties to determine what separators to use : .Separators, .SegmentTerminator.

Also, business operations (extending EnsLib.HL7.Operation.Standard) expose a setting (Separators) that let you configure what separators to use.