Question Mike Henderson · Apr 20, 2016 Consistent window/tab names When a class is opened from the Atelier explorer the full classname is used as the tab name. However classes opened from the server explorer only use the class shortname.It would be nice to always use full classnames so it is easier to navigate open files: 1 2 0 308
Question Mike Henderson · Apr 20, 2016 Open Declaration for macro Is is possible in Atelier to open a macro declaration? Using the context menu results in a "Current text selection does not resolve to a Script element" error in the status area at bottom of window.Also the arguments for the macro are not shown on hover.Doesn't seem to matter if the associated include file is added to the project.(Version: 1.0.142, Mac OS X) 1 2 0 369
Question Mike Henderson · Apr 17, 2016 Automatic block indent/dedent In Atelier is there a way to configure automatic indent when typing open/close braces? From what I've found this is usually left to the language (e.g. Java > Editors) but I couldn't find a setting under the Atelier preferences.For reference, this is what Studio does:And here is Atelier:Notice the return after the open-brace doesn't indent and the close-brace doesn't unindent. 4 3 0 570
Question Mike Henderson · Apr 17, 2016 Is there a way to see code behind in Atelier? This is handy when debugging errors with a line reference and complex macros. 2 3 0 340
Question Mike Henderson · Apr 15, 2016 How to manually compile file / package Is there a way to manually compile a class or package without having to save?Using the perforce integration I did a "Undo Check Out" and the code was revered but not compiled.CLARIFICATION: From the Atelier UI. #Compiler 1 6 0 1.1K
Question Mike Henderson · Apr 15, 2016 SQL Parsing error Found in:atelier-1.0.0AT.142.0Cache for UNIX (Apple Mac OS X for x86-64) 2016.2 (Build 636U) Wed Apr 13 2016 21:07:40 EDTBreaks on FOR SOME when using a table reference: 1 3 0 428