There is good information on SDA in the Documentation. Since the documentation has been reorganized within the past year, it would help to know which version of the product you are using.

You can also access the documentation online at:  Use either the Health Connect or HealthShare documentation links.  See: SDA: InterSystems Clinical Data Format.

There are also tools to inspect SDA.  They can be found on the Edge Gateway menu:  Schema Documentation > SDA/CDA Annotations.

Timothy ---

Yes, we announced a new certification examination for HealthShare Health Connect HL7 Interface Specialist at the Global Summit earlier this month.  The exam is not something you take after taking a specific class.  It requires a defined body of knowledge, and approximately six months experience working in the discipline.

More information is available from

Regards --- Kate

Timothy ---

Thanks for your question.  As an old MUMPSter and InterSystems HealthShare trainer, I'll see what I can do to help.

Ensemble and HealthShare Training

InterSystems offers training on Ensemble and HealthShare, both online and in classroom settings.  The online training is free.  The costs for the classroom training can be found on our web site.

The primary staffing requirement from those who are implementing HealthShare is work on HL7 integration.  To learn those skills, you need to understand Caché and Ensemble.  The best online approach to those topics can be found in  two learning paths: "Building Your First Application WIth Caché" and "Building Your First HL7 Production".

HealthShare online training is restricted to customers with HealthShare licenses, and others, at the discretion of InterSystems.  Once you've got the HL7 production skills,  I can help you inquire about access to those courses.

VistA Training

VistA is the VA healthcare system.  It includes both enabling technology, known as the Kernel, and application modules.  InterSystems does not train on VistA, but there are several organizations such as OSHERA and WorldVistA that do.

Best regards --- Kate Schell

Is this project a single conversion effort, or an ongoing transmission of data to HealthShare?  For a long-term process, I'd choose a standard data transmission format supported by HealthShare (HL7, CDA, FHIR).  That approach allows you to transmit the data to other systems.  SDA is proprietary; InterSystems can change it, leaving your organization with the need to adapt to the new structures to keep the data load process working.

Yvette ---

See the Information Exchange Consent Guide for  information on Clinical Information Types and how they are developed. It's available to HealthShare customers online at  Select HealthShare in the Product Category, and Resource Guide in the Content Type.  Select Resource Guide:  Learn HealthShare Information Exchange.  In Section: Running a HealthShare Information Exchange, you will find the Information Exchange Consent Guide.

Rather than flagging records as sensitive as data arrives, clinical data is assessed against existing consent policies when someone asks to view data for that patient.  This approach enables us to change policies at any time, and to have those policies implemented for all data, no matter when it was loaded.

Clinical Consent rules are built to evaluate the data in our Clinical Data Repositories, using our internal data format.