Doesn't answer your question, but I use Winmerge with some tweaks to the settings to make the highlighting a little nicer:

If I need to compare 1000s of messages from two sets of transforms, I then point their outbound to a single fileout (or since I upgraded to 2019.1, using the export) and then compare the two files.

Hi Vandrei.

Have a look at the learning site:

Here you will find learning paths for what you want such as Building Your First Application with Caché and Learn Caché for Developers.

There is also classroom training that can be arranged with Intersystems, but it might be good to give yourself exposure with the above before considering such courses. 

It might be unrelated, but I recently had a similar issue when installing healthconnect on a windows 10 machine with Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

Kaspersky was being triggered by some temp files created by the installer, and placing them in quarantine. This was then leaving the installer showing it had completed, but with the progress bar still showing. I never did leave it for as long as you did to then get the error you didn't save.

The weird thing was that Kaspersky only reported a virus with the installer on specific versions of Windows 10.

I ended up submitting the installer to Kaspersky so that they could white list it. 

Long story short, check the reports section within Kaspersky and see if it interfered with your install. smiley

I have a task that deletes txt files  older than x number of days:

 Class PROD.Schedule.PurgeTxtFiles Extends %SYS.Task.Definition

Parameter TaskName = "Purge TXT Files";

Property Directory As %String;

Property Daystokeep As %Integer(VALUELIST = ",5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60") [ InitialExpression = "30" ];

Method OnTask() As %Status

Set tsc = ..PurgeSentFolder(..Directory,..Daystokeep,"txt")
Quit tsc

Method PurgeSentFolder(Directory As %String, DaysToKeep As %Integer, Extention As %String) As %Status
// Calculate the oldest date to keep files on or after
set BeforeThisDate = $zdt($h-DaysToKeep_",0",3)

// Gather the list of files in the specified directory
set rs=##class(%ResultSet).%New("%File:FileSet")
Set ext = "*."_Extention
do rs.Execute(Directory,ext,"DateModified")

// Step through the files in DateModified order
while rs.Next() {
set DateModified=rs.Get("DateModified")
if BeforeThisDate]DateModified {
// Delete the file
set Name=rs.Get("Name")
do ##class(%File).Delete(Name)
// Stop when we get to files with last modified dates on or after our delete date
if DateModified]BeforeThisDate 
set tSC = 1
quit tSC


Hopefully you can make this work for your needs smiley

Personally, I would use a DTL which removes the EVN, and then I would call the DTL class from objectscript:

Set tSC=$CLASSMETHOD("DEV.Transformations.DUMMY.A01toA01","Transform",request,.messageWithoutEVN)

So, "Transform" in quotes is the action, request is your original Enslib.HL7.Message coming in, and .messageWithoutEVN is the output from your DTL.

Does that help?

Assuming you're talking about the online backup function within ensemble/HS/etc - I use a task that will run a purge based on the age of the file, and then runs the backup. The order of the two methods is important if you set your retention period to 0, as you'll end up deleting the backup you just made (I'm neither confirming or denying if this happened to me).

Class Live.Schedule.BackupPurge Extends %SYS.Task.BackupAllDatabases{

Parameter TaskName = "Backup With Purge";

Property Daystokeep As %Integer(VALUELIST = ",0,1,2,3,4,5") [ InitialExpression = "1" ];

Method OnTask() As %Status{
    //Call PurgeBackup Method, Return Status
    Set tsc = ..PurgeBackups(..Device,..Daystokeep)
    Set tsc = ..RunBackup()
    Quit tsc

Method PurgeBackups(Directory As %String, DaysToKeep As %Integer) As %Status{
    // Calculate the oldest date to keep files on or after
    set BeforeThisDate = $zdt($h-DaysToKeep_",0",3)

    // Gather the list of files in the specified directory
    set rs=##class(%ResultSet).%New("%File:FileSet")
    do rs.Execute(Directory,"*.cbk","DateModified")

    // Step through the files in DateModified order
    while rs.Next() {
        set DateModified=rs.Get("DateModified")
        if BeforeThisDate]DateModified {
            // Delete the file
            set Name=rs.Get("Name")
            do ##class(%File).Delete(Name)
        // Stop when we get to files with last modified dates on or after our delete date
        if DateModified]BeforeThisDate 
        set tSC = 1
    quit tSC

Method RunBackup() As %Status{
    d $zu(5,"%SYS")
    Set jobbackup = 0
    Set quietflag = 1
    Set Device = ..Device
    Set tSC = ##class(Backup.General).StartTask("FullAllDatabases", jobbackup, quietflag, Device, "0")
    Quit tSC


The downside to this is you will end up with an extra backup file in your backup location if you run the backup manually as the purge is based on the file age. Not a massive problem unless you're storing in a location with a finite amount of disk space.

After working with WRC, I now have an answer.

If the DataSet property points to the MutabaleDateSet property then GetValueAt will return a stream if more than 32k.

If (as in my situation) the DataSet property points to the FixedDateSet property then GetValueAt will return a string of 32648.

The workaround provided by WRC did the trick for me:

               Try {
                   Set setStatus = $$$OK, getStatus = $$$OK
                   If 'pInput.Modified{
                       Set setStatus = pInput.SetValueAt(pInput.GetValueAt("DataSet.DocumentTitle",,.getStatus),"DataSet.DocumentTitle")}}
                       Catch e {
                           Set setStatus = e.AsStatus()}
                   If setStatus && getStatus{
                       Set X = pInput.GetValueAt("DataSet.EncapsulatedDocument",,.tSC)}

However there was an alternative of using the CreateFromDataSetFileStream method of the class EnsLib.DICOM.Document:

set tSC = ##class(EnsLib.DICOM.Document).CreateFromDataSetFileStream(pInput.DataSet.FileStream,pInput.DataSet.TransferSyntax,.dicomDocFromStream)

If tSC Set X = dicomDocFromStream.GetValueAt("DataSet.EncapsulatedDocument",,.tSC)

In both of these options, the next step is to then check tSC to see if X is a stream or string and then work from there.