go to post Julian Matthews · Feb 27, 2018 Hi Robert.I think you have hit the nail on the head - the method return type is a string.Time to do a bit of rework in the Dev environment...
go to post Julian Matthews · Feb 15, 2018 Hi Jeff, thank you for your reply.I did end up raising a call for this and, as I was unable to replicate the issue at the point of raising the call, it was decided that the call would be closed and a new one raised if it reoccurred.
go to post Julian Matthews · Feb 9, 2018 Hi Lorraine.I think the issue is that the Constraint is not set for the condition to be able to reference the filename. I see that you have added a comment to another post which explains how to do this, but it stops short in explaining fully. Fortunately, Joshua Goldman then links to another post where he goes in to more detail.I'll copy and paste it here, and include the link.https://community.intersystems.com/post/how-route-file-based-file-type Define a business rule. Make it a General Message Routing Rule and have the assist class be EnsLib.MsgRouter.RuleAssist.Add a rule to the rule set and double-click Constraint. Specify the rule class Persistent > ENS > StreamContainerThat's the message class used by the pass-through file service/operation. You can also specify the business service as the source.Double-click condition, and in the expression editor specify Document.Type or Document.OriginalFilename, add an operation, and a value.Send it to the correct operation.Define a router business process and specify the rule you just created.Connect the pass-through file service to the router.
go to post Julian Matthews · Nov 24, 2017 Thank you - I will try this the next time I'm running a big job and see what details I get.