Hi Andrew.

I don't think the operation to a downstream system would be the appropriate place for adjusting the HL7 content.

Using Transforms within a router will be the best approach for this, and while it might seem a little cumbersome creating a transform per message type you should be able to remove some of the leg work by using sub-transforms.

For example; if you were looking to adjust the datestamp used in an admission date within a PV1, rather than complete the desired transform work in every message transform that contains a PV1, you create a sub-transform for the PV1 segment once and then reference this in your transform for each message type. If you then have additional changes required to the PV1 which is message specific (say, a change for an A01 but not an A02) you can then make this change in the message specific transformation.

As far as transforming datetime in HL7, I have faced my share of faff when it comes to this with suppliers. The best approach from within the transforms is to use the built in ensemble utility function "ConvertDateTime" listed here

What type of business service are you using? If you are using a single job on the inbound, I guess you're hitting a limit on how fast the adapter can work on handling each message (in your case, you're getting around 15ms per message)

You could look at increasing the pool size and jobs per connection if you're not worried about the order in which the messages are received into your process.

Hi Alexandr.

If you are looking to run a task at specific times, you could create a new task which extends %SYS.Task.Definition to then be selectable as an option from the task manager.

For example, I have a folder which I need to periodically delete files older than x days.

To achieve this, I have a class that looks like this:

Class DEV.Schedule.Purge Extends %SYS.Task.Definition

Parameter TaskName = "Purge Sent Folder";

Property Directory As %String;

Property Daystokeep As %Integer(VALUELIST = ",5,10,15,20,25,30") [ InitialExpression = "30" ];

Method OnTask() As %Status

Set tsc = ..PurgeSentFolder(..Directory,..Daystokeep,"txt")
Quit tsc

Method PurgeSentFolder(Directory As %String, DaysToKeep As %Integer, Extention As %String) As %Status
// Calculate the oldest date to keep files on or after
set BeforeThisDate = $zdt($h-DaysToKeep_",0",3)

// Gather the list of files in the specified directory
set rs=##class(%ResultSet).%New("%File:FileSet")
Set ext = "*."_Extention
do rs.Execute(Directory,ext,"DateModified")

// Step through the files in DateModified order
while rs.Next() {
set DateModified=rs.Get("DateModified")
if BeforeThisDate]DateModified {
// Delete the file
set Name=rs.Get("Name")
do ##class(%File).Delete(Name)
// Stop when we get to files with last modified dates on or after our delete date
if DateModified]BeforeThisDate 
set tSC = 1
quit tSC


Then I created a new task in the scheduler, selected the namespace where the new class exists, and then filled in the properties and times I want the task to run.

So I found that it is possible to save single messages using the "HL7 V2.x Message Viewer" which might not be suitable for you if you're looking to export loads of messages.

One option could be to add a new HL7 file out operation, search for your desired messages from the Router you wish to "export" from and then resend them to a new target which can be selected from the Resend messages page.

Hi all, I have answered my own question.

Per number, I will need to create a new HS.SDA3.PatientNumber and set the required information, and then insert each HS.SDA3.PatientNumber into the HS.SDA3.PatientNumbers list that exists within the HS.SDA3.Patient object.

For the benefit of anyone else that stumbles across this post (and myself when I forget this in a few weeks time and end up finding my own post): To achieve this in Terminal as a testing area, these are the steps I followed:

Set Patient  = ##class(HS.SDA3.Patient).%New()

Set PatNum1 = ##class(HS.SDA3.PatientNumber).%New()

Set PatNum2 = ##class(HS.SDA3.PatientNumber).%New()

Set PatNum1.Number = "123456"

Set PatNum1.NumberType = "MRN"

Set PatNum2.Number = "9999991234"

Set PatNum2.NumberType = "NHS"

Do Patient.PatientNumbers.Insert(PatNum1)

Do Patient.PatientNumbers.Insert(PatNum2)

I use a similar approach to Edwards answer (using a BS that runs every x seconds), but for alerting when freespace on my drives fall below a specified value.

I'm not sure if my approach is the most efficient to your requirement, but I would do something like this in the Service:

  • Query the table and sort it so you get the most recent result at the top (I'm assuiming the dateTime field is suitable for this)
  • Take a Snapshot of the results, and and get the first datetime result.
  • Compare it to the system datetime
  • Send an alert to Ens.Alert if the difference is more than 24 hours

Hi Bob.

These will be picked up by either Purge running the all command, or by selecting "Messages" for TypesToPurge in either one.

The MessageBodyS should be purged when the "BodiesToo" tick box is selected in the task. The description for the BodiesToo  option is: "Delete message bodies whenever their message header is deleted. This is off by default because some Productions may use message objects that are part of a larger environment and not transitory." so it may be that your task was left with the defaults and this has built up.

Hi Lorraine.

I think the issue is that the Constraint is not set for the condition to be able to reference the filename. I see that you have added a comment to another post which explains how to do this, but it stops short in explaining fully. Fortunately, Joshua Goldman then links to another post where he goes in to more detail.

I'll copy and paste it here, and include the link.


  1.  Define a business rule. Make it a General Message Routing Rule and have the assist class be EnsLib.MsgRouter.RuleAssist.
  2. Add a rule to the rule set and double-click Constraint. Specify the rule class Persistent > ENS > StreamContainer
    That's the message class used by the pass-through file service/operation. You can also specify the business service as the source.
  3. Double-click  condition, and in the expression editor specify Document.Type or Document.OriginalFilename, add an operation, and a  value.
  4. Send it to the correct operation.
  5. Define a router business process and specify the rule you just created.
  6. Connect the pass-through file service to the router.