I was thinking that $SYSTEM.INetInfo.LocalHostName()
might be of help... however, that just gives the local host name, in my case "J2EDDEMOEL".
So, I tried the result of $SYSTEM.INetInfo.HostNameToAddr($SYSTEM.INetInfo.LocalHostName()) but that gives me an address that is valid only within my local area network (in my case, whereas one would need to get to my systems from outside of the local area.
In other words: if you're only accessing that application from your local area network, the above reference would give you a usable address for the web-reference, but otherwise, I'm not sure how you'd get that programmatically.
One way to check whether the value of a string is a number is:
If +value=value
which will work in most cases.
However, when the value of a string is something like "1E12345", you'd get an error (<MAXNUMBER>), because "exponential notation" is assumed. But in all other cases, that would work.
If +value?1.N
Would get close to determining that a value is an integer, but "00000123" would also match that pattern, so
I'd create a new database, and then use the operating system utilities (copy and move or cp and mv) to switch the current database with the new one. That way, if there is any need for data from the "old" database, it's still retrievable.
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No particular reason, just keeping with the style of the rest of this code.
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I don't see a "Panels" on the View menu:
Version is: Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2017.1 (Build 792U) Mon Mar 20 2017 19:13:14 EDT
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I usually set set ^ISCSOAP("LogFile") = "path/logs/SOAP_"_$ZDate($Horolog,3)_".txt"
so that it is easier to purge "old" logs.
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In addition, %request.Data contains any parameters included in the URL.
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I was thinking that $SYSTEM.INetInfo.LocalHostName()
might be of help... however, that just gives the local host name, in my case "J2EDDEMOEL".
So, I tried the result of $SYSTEM.INetInfo.HostNameToAddr($SYSTEM.INetInfo.LocalHostName())
but that gives me an address that is valid only within my local area network (in my case, whereas one would need to get to my systems from outside of the local area.
In other words: if you're only accessing that application from your local area network, the above reference would give you a usable address for the web-reference, but otherwise, I'm not sure how you'd get that programmatically.
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Well, that's an interesting one.
One way to check whether the value of a string is a number is:
If +value=value
which will work in most cases.
However, when the value of a string is something like "1E12345", you'd get an error (<MAXNUMBER>), because "exponential notation" is assumed. But in all other cases, that would work.
If +value?1.N
Would get close to determining that a value is an integer, but "00000123" would also match that pattern, so
If value?1.N,+value=value
would do the trick in this case.
Hope this helps
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Set aa.Server="www.actualwebaddresshere.com"
Set aa.Location="/service/actual location path and my API key here/"
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I'd create a new database, and then use the operating system utilities (copy and move or cp and mv) to switch the current database with the new one. That way, if there is any need for data from the "old" database, it's still retrievable.
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The solution with ##class(%xsd.hexBinary).LogicalToXSD works, but be careful, it only works when all characters in the string have codes <256.
For instance:
USER>w x
USER>w ##class(%xsd.hexBinary).LogicalToXSD(x)
The code for pi (π) is 960, and its hex rendition is three characters (3C0).
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Looks like some of the images are missing.
I'm getting 404 errors for:
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Got it, thanks.
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I didn't notice any information on populating the Widget and WidgetAccessory classes.
Obviously, they should be populated with specific data to link them together properly...
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Looks like some of the the images are missing again...
I'm getting 404 errors on