Hi Team,

I am using ##class(%Net.Cloud.Storage.Client).SingleDownloadBlobToFile

Able to upload small files less than 100 MB, but when uploading large files like 800MB we are getting Java Memory error. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError Java heap space

I am using default JavaServer (javaServer param as ""). This happens in all three data types (File, Stream and Object)

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I am trying to use Visual studio code(1.57) for class development and for compiling classes (intersystems tools extension) . It works.

Now, i would like to use TFVC (Team Foundation Version Control) for source control.

I can see download option where i can manually download the Namespace as folder and classes as files.

Since whenever i save the file, it directly pushes the change to remote system. I am not sure where the local workspace is.

How to configure VS Code to track my changes and Check In / Check out the code.

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Hi All,

i have a issue in getting the complete file path when using the FTP Adapter in service.
EnsLib.FTP.PassthroughService / EnsLib.FTP.InboundAdapter

I need to know the folder name (including sub folder) where the new file is found by the service when looking up for new files.
The normal file class is working good as expected

More details below,

In the below two examples you can notice folder name is fetched by normal File adapter, but in FTP only the file name is available.

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