My code:

  Set jsonob = ##class(%DynamicObject).%FromJSON(httprequest.HttpResponse.Data)
  w !,"statusCodes: "_jsonob.%Get("statusCode"),!
  Set iter = jsonob.value.labReports.%GetIterator()
  While iter.%GetNext(.key, .labReport) {
  w !,"reportName: "_labReport.%Get("reportName")
  Set pdf=labReport.%Get("pdf",,"stream<base64")
  w !,"pdf: "_pdf.Read(20),!
} catch(tException) {		
  w !,tException.DisplayString(),!

JSON looks like this( pdf the offending big string):


statusCodes: 200

reportName: Long-Oeloff-Badenhorst.pdf
<MAXSTRING> 5 ztestpdf+36^Test.Testy.1

ztestpdf+36 = Set pdf=labReport.%Get("pdf",,"stream<base64")

I do not know what you use to "process a request from the app server"?

1. Do you have Long String support turned on in, System > Configuration > Memory and Startup?

2. If you are using webservices you can modify the generated classes and change payload to type %GlobalCharacterStream

I think he was referring to the excel xml format:  wiki link

I've used it previously:

Create  an example file in excel and save it in the xml format.

View the source in a text editor to see what it looks like.

Write out similar code to a file via COS.

Save as .xls

Ugly example:

xls.WriteLine("<?xml version=""1.0""?><?mso-application progid=""Excel.Sheet""?><Workbook xmlns=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet"" xmlns:o=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"" xmlns:x=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel"" xmlns:ss=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet"" xmlns:html=""""> <DocumentProperties xmlns=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office""> <Author>me</Author> <LastAuthor>me</LastAuthor> <Created>"_$ZDT($H,3,8)_"</Created> <Company>AMPATH</Company> <Version>1.0</Version> </DocumentProperties>")
xls.WriteLine("<Styles><Style ss:ID=""header""><Font ss:Bold=""1"" ss:Size=""12""/></Style><Style ss:ID=""a1""><Font ss:Color=""#ff3333""/></Style><Style ss:ID=""a2""><Font ss:Color=""#FFA500""/></Style></Styles>")
xls.WriteLine("<Worksheet ss:Name=""Sheet1""><Table>"
_"<Column ss:Width=""120""/>"
_"<Column ss:Width=""80""/>"
_"<Column ss:Width=""100""/>"
_"<Column ss:Width=""100""/>")
xls.WriteLine("<Row ss:Height=""20"">"
    _"<Cell ss:StyleID=""header""><Data ss:Type=""String"">Col 1</Data></Cell>"
    _"<Cell ss:StyleID=""header""><Data ss:Type=""Integer"">2</Data></Cell>"
    _"<Cell ss:StyleID=""header""><Data ss:Type=""String"">Col 3</Data></Cell>"
    _"<Cell ss:StyleID=""header""><Data ss:Type=""String"">Col 4</Data></Cell></Row>")
    xls.WriteLine("<Row ss:StyleID=""a1"">"
    _"<Cell><Data ss:Type=""String"">Col 1</Data></Cell>"
    _"<Cell><Data ss:Type=""Integer"">2</Data></Cell>"
    _"<Cell><Data ss:Type=""String"">Col 3</Data></Cell>"
    _"<Cell ss:StyleID=""a2""><Data ss:Type=""String"">Col 4</Data></Cell></Row>")

I think I found the issues, there are 2.

1) The server dropdown looks grayed out even though it is useable.

So after selecting my connection there I can select a namespace

I'm used to this for non disabled dropdowns:


2)  However when I configure a server via the "configure server..." option on the New project screen I still get the error.

Here are my steps

1 Select "configure server..."

2 Type in an existing connection name, select "continue editing", click "Finish"

3. Get the error message and no namespaces