The intersystems documentation gives the same description for both <MAXSTRING> and <NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED - MAXSTRING>. I suspect that the description for <MAXSTRING> is correct and the description for <NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED - MAXSTRING> was an accident. I would like to know what situation triggers the <NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED - MAXSTRING> error.
If I had to guess, I would say it means that a MAXSTRING error occurred on the data server while it was attempting to process a request from the app server; instead of sending back the expected response, the data server sends back something that triggers the <NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED - MAXSTRING> error on the app server. That's just a guess, though. Can someone tell me for certain what <NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED - MAXSTRING> means?
I do not know what you use to "process a request from the app server"?
1. Do you have Long String support turned on in, System > Configuration > Memory and Startup?
2. If you are using webservices you can modify the generated classes and change payload to type %GlobalCharacterStream
Hi Kevin,
Thanks for pointing the documentation issue out. The documentation has been modified to specify that the <NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED - MAXSTRING> error relates to network activity - "An asynchronous network error occurred and updates sent over the network were lost because InterSystems IRIS/Caché on the server has encountered an attempt to specify or create a data string longer than the implementation allows (32,767 characters)."
What were your instances doing at the time you received this error and where did you find this error? I put a little time into trying to throw this error myself by manipulating some large strings from an ECP app server but wasn't able to reproduce it.