When calling a SQL call, I normally return the value in a Snapshot. 

You can do this 1 of two ways...

1. Set two variables....One for the Outbound HL7 Message, and one for the structure of your snapshot. Set your source equal to your snapshot variable and your target being the Outbound HL7 context variable. Use a Data transformation to take the information from the Snapshot and insert it into the HL7.

2. Create a variable for your ID variable, and loop through the Snapshot to set that ID variable. Then create a dummy data transformation that you can use to set your HL7 field to your context.ID variable.

I have plenty of examples of doing this in either way. There might be others that have a better solution, its just what I have used in the past.

Scott Roth

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

No luck but thanks.

I took the query from $$$LOGINFO(select)  and executed it fine in SQL Server. It showed Ensemble should of returned 185 rows.

For every database pull Ensemble stores either that whole message or a key value so it knows that record has already been read.  I can't figure out how to get around that when I do a ExecuteQuery() call inside my Operation.

In working with WRC, I think I am going to have to go down the route of creating a Custom Service to send a tickler to a BPL to begin selecting the data. In theory it makes sense but I am having an issue trying to grasp my head around to code it. Without having to build a message structure to send the request to the BPL is there an easier way?

The SQL Inbound Service has a set start and stop time. I give it about a 1/2 hr to run before closing the connection. This is because I am treating it like a job, it doesn't need to be up all the time, just once a night.

I have used SQL Outbound Adapters in many other Operations I have built. What do you use as the Trigger, to say yes go ahead and process these records? In this case I use the records to send to a BPL to then use an Outbound SQL Adapter Operation I have created to get what ever else data wasn't in the record but I need in the outbound file.

Have you attempted to use LENGTH?

Say LENGTH(HL7.{MRG. PriorPatientIdentifierList }) > 0

We have never been successful in using the field numbers within our routing rules. Normally we just use the name of the field, or that's at least how we were taught.

I would also think you want to check the message type before you check the MRG.1. So it would be if Message Type is A18 and LENGTH(HL7.{MRG. PriorPatientIdentifierList }) > 0 then return

I took your suggestion about using %Net.FtpSession to transfer the file back and forth between the two boxes, however I am running into an issue trying to ftp.Store the file. Can I have a second pair of eyes take a look at this to see what I am doing wrong?


ClassMethod DecodeBase64HL7ToFileFaxing(base64 As %Stream.GlobalBinary, Ancillary As %String, FileName As %String) As %String
set ftp=##class(%Net.FtpSession).%New()
if 'ftp.Connect("xxxxx","xxxxx","xxxxxx") $$$LOGINFO("Unable to connect to inteng11") quit

set Oref = ##class(%FileBinaryStream).%New()
set Oref.Filename = FileName

Do base64.Rewind()

While 'base64.AtEnd {
     set ln = base64.ReadLine()
    set lnDecoded = $system.Encryption.Base64Decode(ln)
do Oref.Write(lnDecoded)
if 'ftp.SetDirectory("/home/egate/Scott") $$$LOGINFO("Unable to change directory") quit
If 'ftp.Store(Oref,stream) $$$LOGINFO("Unable to write file") quit
if 'ftp.Logout() $$$LOGINFO("Failed to logout") quit




Here is how I am Calling the Method and Returning me the string

<transform sourceClass='EnsLib.HL7.Message' targetClass='osuwmc.Visit.DataStructures.InsertVisitAttachmentResult' sourceDocType='ORMORUPDF:OSU_ORMORU_PDF' create='new' language='objectscript' >
<assign value='context.TextIDTemp' property='target.TextID' action='set' />
<assign value='source.GetFieldStreamRaw(.tStream,"ORCgrp(1).OBRgrp(1).OBXgrp(1).OBX:ObservationValue(1).AlternateText",.tRemainder)' property='tSC' action='set' />
<assign value='##class(osuwmc.Functions).DecodeBase64HL7ToFile(tStream,source.{MSH:SendingApplication.NamespaceID},source.{PID:PatientIdentifierList(1).IDNumber}_context.TextIDTemp_".pdf")' property='tSC' action='set' />
<assign value='$Get(tSC)' property='target.Text' action='set' />