I have used this in the past...

Under my Data Settings I use the following as my Query to act like a status kick off for my job...


Then my service does...

Method OnProcessInput(pInput As EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot, pOutput As %RegisteredObject) As %Status
     set req=##class(osuwmc.CPD.DataStructures.StartJobRequest).%New()
     set req.StartJobStatus = pInput.Get("1")
     set sc = ..SendRequestSync("CPDClarityAddressUpdateBPL",req,.pOutput)
    Quit sc

It appears you are not setting your request variable so there is nothing to send to your DQTT.

Instead of storing it at the Credentials level, I have created a Global to store the LDAP server information. However when I am calling $Get(^OSUMCLDAP(Server)) nothing is being returned. Am I not calling it appropriately? Do I need to add an include statement somewhere to make sure it includes the globals?

#define LDAPServer $Get(^OSUMCLDAP(Server))




  • To verify against LDAP we needed a separate user other than the user trying to log into the system.
  • Also to make it easier on all parties involved instead of using new Attributes in LDAP, I had a group created that I could match up against a role of the same name in Ensemble.

So if I have an additional user I need to use to verify as the LDAP search user, how would I store the user name and password in this scenario?

ZAUTHENTICATE(ServiceName,Namespace,Username,Password,Credentials,Properties) PUBLIC {
#include %occErrors
#include %sySecurity
#include %syLDAP

 s LDAPServer="xxxxx.xxxxxx.xxxx"
 s LD=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Init(LDAPServer)
 i LD=0 {
   s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetLastError()
   //g Error
 s LDAPUser = "ensemble.Services"
 s LDAPPass = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
 s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Binds(LD,"",$lb(LDAPUser,"",LDAPPass),$$$LDAPAUTHNEGOTIATE)
 i Status'=$$$LDAPSUCCESS q $SYSTEM.Status.Error($$$InvalidUsernameOrPassword)
  s BaseDN="dc=OSUMC,dc=EDU"
 s Filter="sAMAccountname="_Username
 s Attributes=$lb("sAMAccountname","displayName","mail")
 s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).SearchExts(LD,BaseDN,$$$LDAPSCOPESUBTREE,Filter,Attributes,0,"","",10,1,.SearchResult)
 i Status'=$$$LDAPSUCCESS {
 w !,"SearchExts error: "_Status_" - "_##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Err2String(Status)
 g Done
 s CurrentEntry=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).FirstEntry(LD,SearchResult)
 i CurrentEntry=0 {
 s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetError(LD)
 w !,"FirstEntry error: "_Status_" - "_##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Err2String(Status) 
 g Done
 s DN=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetDN(LD,CurrentEntry) 
 s Attribute=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).FirstAttribute(LD,CurrentEntry,.Ptr)
 while (Attribute'="") {
   s Values=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetValuesLen(LD,CurrentEntry,Attribute)
   //w Values
   s Properties("Attributes",Attribute)=Values
   //w Attributes(Attribute)
  s Attribute=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).NextAttribute(LD,CurrentEntry,.Ptr)
 s Properties("Username")=$li(Properties("Attributes","sAMAccountName"))
 k Properties("Attributes","sAMAccountName")
 s Properties("FullName")=$li(Properties("Attributes","displayName"))
 k Properties("Attributes","displayName")

 s GroupFilter="(&(objectClass=group)(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:="_DN_"))"
 s GroupAttributes=""
 s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).SearchExts(LD,BaseDN,$$$LDAPSCOPESUBTREE,GroupFilter,GroupAttributes,0,"","",10,0,.GroupSearchResult)
 i Status'=$$$LDAPSUCCESS {
w !,"SearchExts error: "_Status_" - "_##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Err2String(Status)
g Done
 s GroupNumEntries=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).CountEntries(LD,GroupSearchResult)
 i GroupNumEntries=-1 {
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetError(LD)
//w !,"CountEntries Group error: "_Status_" - "_##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Err2String(Status)
g Done

 w !
 i GroupNumEntries=0 {
w !,"No nested groups for "_Username_" found"
g Done
 i GroupNumEntries>0 {
//w !,"Found "_GroupNumEntries_" nested groups for user "_Username

#;Get the dn of the first entry returned.
 s GroupCurrentEntry=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).FirstEntry(LD,GroupSearchResult)
 i GroupCurrentEntry=0 {
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetError(LD)
w !,"FirstEntry error: "_Status_" - "_##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Err2String(Status)
g Done
 s Groups=""
 While (GroupCurrentEntry'=0) {
s GroupDN=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetDN(LD,GroupCurrentEntry)
i GroupDN="" {
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetError(LD)
w !,"GetDN Group error: "_Status_" - "_##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Err2String(Status)
s CN=$p(GroupDN,",",1)
s AD=$p(CN,"=",2)
s AD=$zcvt(AD,"L") 
set exists=''$d(^|"%SYS"|SYS("Security","RolesD",AD))
if exists{
s Properties("Roles") = AD
w Properties("Roles")
#;Save for later display
//w !,AD
  s GroupCurrentEntry=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).NextEntry(LD,GroupCurrentEntry)
 i $d(SearchResult) d ##Class(%SYS.LDAP).MsgFree(SearchResult)
 i $d(GroupSearchResult) d ##Class(%SYS.LDAP).MsgFree(GroupSearchResult)
#;Close the connection and free the LDAP in memory structures.
 i $d(LD) d ##Class(%SYS.LDAP).UnBinds(LD)
 q $SYSTEM.Status.OK()
Error s $zt=""
 w !,"Cache error: "_$ze
 g Done

So I am trying to take a list of....

managedObjects                       : {CN=Access.Ensemble.Developer.User,OU=Access Groups,DC=OSUMC,DC=EDU, CN=[CPD Admin],OU=Distribution Lists,DC=OSUMC,DC=EDU, CN=[MUSE_Access],OU=Distribution Lists,DC=OSUMC,DC=EDU, CN=[IT eMaterials],OU=Distribution Lists,DC=OSUMC,DC=EDU...}

How can I put this into a list and properly filter out the values I need. For Example Access.Ensemble.Developer.User is my end target that corresponds to a role of that same name.

I am struggling with how to appropriately pull this information out so I can do the IF statements below.

The application is sending us the following back... Of course it does not match up to any structure but like you said they probably have omitted the backslash from the ACK causing the error.


I went ahead and made copies of 4 different EnsLib.HL7 classes, and modified the Parser to not throw the warning message. So for it is working like it should.

This was a custom interface written some time ago, and only maintained by hiring someone outside to update the contents of the software.

We are getting the following warning message "Discarding received non-HL7 data(1) 'r'" . We have tried different framing values to no avail, and it still wants to log this warning. We were just looking for a way to shut this warning off for just this one Operation.

I have found that the text of "Discarding Received non HL7 data" lives in the EnsLib.HL7.Parser.cls. Has anyone tired to copy and make their own HL7.Parser that would not throw this warning message? It seems pretty simple but I am having issues trying to call my updated Parser.cls. All I want to do it comment this error out so it is not thrown and taking up database space.


