Hi Robert, thanks for your prompt answer!

Actually I am not yet into Iris. My studio just refuses to connect to my old cache (localhost) instance, I tested y Odbc connection. Also my Zen application is working incredible fine in the browser. Also checked (windows) Services, no clue. I Googled for quit some time now (days)sad, even back to post out 2012 but no answer what the error code means...

HI Bart, How are you?

I would like to perform some testing with Cache and Node.js.

I am using: Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2017.1.1 (Build 111U_SU) Tue May 23 2017 13:20:26 EDT

and I have

How can I get the right version of the Cache.node? I do not have access tot the WRC and I see a lot of requests on this Community who would like to get the right version.

Dank je wel,

en groeten

Hi Lamont,

I do use the following in one of my applications:

ClientMethod Webbutton() [ Language = javascript ]
var table this.getComponentById('relationTable');
        var index table.getProperty('selectedIndex');
        if (index 0) {
                alert('No row is selected in the table.');
        var data table.getRowData(index);
        if (data == null) {
                alert('Table is not in snapshot mode or invalid request.');
        else {

                   var person=data.Website
                   var tpref "http://"
                   alert (person)
                   ///alert (tWeb)
                   var url "http://www.google.com/"
                   var url "http://" person;
                  /// window.open(person);


It opens a URL from  a record selected in a TablePane. I think it opens the default browser (in my case Firefox).

Maybe this example helps you. (yes, the name of the variable [person] looks odd.)

For myself it works great

Hi Robert, you are right, but I forgot to mention I got the error after adding Eduard his recommendationsmiley.

This is the code:

ClassMethod ImportCSV()
  set adapter = ##class(%File).%New("C:\temp\in.csv")
  set status = adapter.%Open("R")
  if $$$ISERR(status)
   do $System.Status.DisplayError(status)
  set counter =1
  while 'adapter.AtEnd
   set line=adapter.ReadLine()
   set rec= ##class(CSVRecord).%New()
   set rec.ID=$piece(line,";",1)
   set rec.FName=$piece(line,";",2)
   set rec.Secname=$piece(line,";",3)
   set rec.Gender=$piece(line,";",4)
   set rec.Age=$piece(line,";",5)
     write rec.ID,
             rec.Secname ,
         Set savestatus=rec.%Save()
      if $$$ISERR(savestatus)
     do $System.Status.DisplayError(status)
    //if error found during processing,show it
    if $$$ISERR(status)
     do $System.Status.DisplayError(status)

I do notice this topic comes back in time in the Community, so people are interested -and struggling with it like myself, but if we look back the items leave quite unanswered.... as people do not share their final working code... and only tell that they have solved the question.


Hi Eric, last time I have resolved by just doing a new installation.

However last week (march 2018) I got the same issue on all 4 instances on my computer. No clue what have caused the issue.

According to the logfile I had to delete Cache.WIJ which I did. I also replaced cache.cpf with _last.good-.cpf and deleted Cache.ids as you have recommended.

After this I restarted the machine. No result however.

According to Windows services : the Webserver for Cache cannot be started.

I want to share this information. I do not have a licence for official support, but do want to continue development in Cache.


Hi Eduard, hard to get it working!

my file:

my code:

Class TestCsv.Csv Extends %Persistent

Property name As %String;

Property year As %Integer;

Property amount As %Numeric;

Property date As %Date;

ClassMethod Import()
set rowtype = "name VARCHAR(50),year INTEGER,amount NUMERIC(9,2),date DATE"
    set filename = "c:\temp\data.csv"
    do ##class(%SQL.Util.Procedures).CSVTOCLASS(2, .rowtype, filename,,,,"TestCsv.Csv")

My result:

(I use Windows 10)

no result

My filetest:

I still cannot find the error.

Hi there,

I have the following sample code, but none of them works.

with the last class I did test my csv file and it worked.

Class ZenImport.Country Extends %Persistent

Property Code As %String;

Property Name As %String;

ClassMethod LoadFromFile()
 Set pFileName="C:\temp\Country.csv"
 Set pDelimiter= $C(9)
 //Set pDelimiter=";"
 Set rowType="Code VARCHAR(2),Name VARCHAR(9)"
 Do ##class(%SQL.Util.Procedures).CSVTOCLASS(2,.rowType, pFileName, pDelimiter)

ClassMethod LoadFromFile2()
 set rowtype = "Code VARCHAR(2),Name VARCHAR(9)"
 set filename = "c:\temp\Country.csv"
 do ##class(%SQL.Util.Procedures).CSVTOCLASS(2, .rowtype, filename,,,,"Country.csv")

ClassMethod ImportCountries(srcDir As %String = "C:\temp", srcFile As %String = "Country.csv")
    try {
        set status = ##class(ZenImport.Country).%DeleteExtent()
        if $$$ISOK(status) {write !, "Deleted LS.Country Data"}
        else {do $system.Status.DisplayError(status) return}
    catch ex {}

    set srcStream = ##class(%Stream.FileCharacter).%New()
    set srcPath = srcDir_"\"_srcFile
    set srcStream.Filename = srcPath
    set srcStream.TranslateTable = "UTF8"

    set selectMode = 0
    set rowType = "Code VARCHAR(2),Name VARCHAR(9)"
    set delimiter = ";"
    set quote = """"
    set headerCount = 0
    set classname = "ZenImport.Country"
    do ##class(%SQL.Util.Procedures).CSVTOCLASS(selectMode, rowType, srcStream, delimiter, quote, headerCount, classname)

    write !, "Imported " _ srcPath _ " to ZenImport.Country", !

ClassMethod ImportStream() [ ZenMethod ]
///Test csv File -THIS ONE WORKS!-
Set stream=##class(%Stream.FileCharacter).%New()
Set sc=stream.LinkToFile("c:\temp\Country.csv")
if $$$ISERR(sc) Quit 
While 'stream.AtEnd {
Set line=stream.Read()


write !, line

Quit $$$OK

Test reading csv:


Hopefully you have a suggestion how I can get it working!