
Cache ObjectScript and MUMPS gives what I believe a good start from the beginning of MUMPS and ObjectScript. You can get it from or if you like saving money you can get it for $10 off from:

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Sorry, I am not criticizing what you have done.

I had to ask why you de-pieced the line based on ";"

and I was given an answer.

Suppose I did not ask, took your snippet and assumed to worked for all files?

All I am saying is the assumption you used (Russian style files) should be part of your documentation so someone not familiar with these style of files would know. Any (unfamiliar) assumptions should be documented. 


First of all, thank you, it seems you have taken on a huge project here, I commend you for it.

Now, two questions,

1) Does it handle multiple searches like Google does. When I separate several words by a comma? And the comma indicating an "And" condition. ie: if I want to search for Cache AND Loops with search "Cache, Loops"

2) When getting search results, would it be possible to put the results in a new Tab in explorer?

Again, thank you.

If I want a definition of a word, the master index was always the place to go.

Instead of searching through pages and pages that talk around the word I want.

I was just trying to find out the command to get my pid, I believe the Master Index would have it.

Instead, I have spent 15 minutes of wasted time searching and still don't know how to get it.

The search utility is good for some things, really bad for others.

Why not have multiple ways of going in through the documentation?

But, it makes no difference, my voice does not count, so typical.