
I was the one who put the downvote in, and I explained myself in the reply.

Maybe you are not the person to ask, but you brought in the comment:

"You have a limited number of votes per day, and answer down-votes cost you a tiny bit of reputation on top of that; use them wisely."

I don't understand how using down-votes cost someone "a tiny bit of reputation"

Seems to me when a down-vote is used, it should enhance ones reputation as you are increasing the quality of a post.

Also, if the down-vote is used when:

"Use your downvotes whenever you encounter an egregiously sloppy, no-effort-expended post, or an answer that is clearly and perhaps dangerously incorrect."

If that is the criteria for downvotes, they will never be used, so why even have them?

This is nice documentation.

I am still confused between GROUPS and TAGS, they seem like the same thing.

Also, it would have been nice to have this information and much, much more at the beginning.

I did ask for documentation when DC was just starting but was told it should be intuitive, but it was never that to me.

(at least that was in my memory).

Anyway, the documentation is nice, but should be expanded and available through a shortcut, or is that a tag or group?

You say if I have any more questions, ask in this Group, how do I know what Group I am in? And how do I ask in a Group?

Thank you

John, not to beat a dead horse, you say the facility already exists? Are you referring to the Vote Up/ Vote Down?

I thought that was for if one liked the post or not. I never associated it with whether one accepted the answer or not.

Sorry, but I see a difference here.

I have several posts that I like the answer, but do not accept it and the difinited answer.

But, maybe it does not matter.

Joe, I started going through your post and was confused by your first sentence.

Embedded SQL is a tool that allows us to SQL statements in Caché Object Script. 

I assume you missed something between "to" and "SQL".

Embedded SQL is a tool that allows us to  "what?" SQL statements in Caché Object Script. 

Or, is it me who is missing something?

Alok, maybe I have not been in on the right projects the last 30 years.  But I am mostly concerned in getting code to work efficiently. "Refactoring, parallelize computation, mutable data structures to synchronize?" You are talking over my head, and I think over the heads of most programmers in the trenches. I don't have time to try to understand what you are trying to say, I have real work to do. If you want to have a real impact, say things that really can help me.

Maybe you really have something valuable here, I don't know. But the way present, is a major put-off. As always, it is not what you say, but how you say it.

The definition of Declarative Programming I found is:

In computer science, declarative programming is a programming paradigm—a style of building the structure and elements of computer programs—that expresses the logic of a computation without describing its control flow.

Maybe my ignorance is showing here, but this seems like so much "pie in the sky", and I cannot relate it in a meaningful way to anything. Sorry folks, I guess this is just above my pay-grade.

On the whole a nice job. Three points however.

Be careful in saying the .CLS, .MAC code can be deleted. If they ever wish to change their code they will need the classes and possibly the .MAC code.

There continues to be a lot of confusion around writing .INT code as a main source. The VA does it all the time. The dangers of this should be pointed out.

The differences between .MAC (Macro) Routines and Macros should be explained.

I went through a section of one of the courses.

It sure is an improvement over some of the previous courses in years past.

I can see a lot of work has gone into the courses and I commend those who did the work.

However, without an audio component, the courses quickly become tedious.

InterSystems is a world wide organization and leader in many respects, their online courses should reflect that.

Just my 2 cents. Don't kill the messenger.