I appreciate all the comments, and will reply:

To all, I will have a session on Curly Braces when I talk about Structured Programming, I am trying to take things one at a time and not get ahead of myself.

Ray, good comment, I appreciate it. There are a number of problems converting from the dot structure to the Curly Braces, and I plan on covering that.

Evgeny, I too suggest using curly braces, however, if you are a NewBie in a team that uses the dot syntax,  I suggest using what in common practice in the team. The old structures have some very strong proponents and I would not suggest a NewBie buck the trend. It would be good for the NewBie to learn the older ways as well.

Andre, good comments, thank you. I too learned the dot structure and am comfortable with it. Thank you for your mention of Classes doing away with the New command. But bear in mind, many readers of the Developer Community have never used Classes and in their current jobs will never use them. I am writing for all MUMPS/Cache users, from the older to the newer. MUMPS/Cache is evolving. 

Edward, your comments are interesting. I would be careful using the New command on % variables. I would suggest an Application Programmer never set a % variables or use a New command on them (with the exception of SQL variables). When using the New command on % variables please be sure you know the ramifications of what you are doing.

As far as the New command affecting Arrays and all subscripts of arrays, that is true, but only if the New command is used on the top level of the Array. The New command does not work when used on a subscripted variable, ie: New Variable(2)

Bhaskar, sorry I seemed to have missed your comment. When I made the statement of Application Programmer not Newing % variables, I did not consider SQL variables. That represent an exception to my statement, sorry for the omission. Thanks for the reference to the InterSystems documentation. 

Ok, if I may, let me give some background of my thinking.

I thought of Embedded Query and Dynamic Query in the same class.

Also, I thought of Basic Class Query and Custom Class Query in the same class.

And Stored Procedure in a class by itself (although Stored Procedure crosses all classes) as well as SQL Shell in a class by itself.

So when I found out that Basic Class Query is run using the same mechanics as Dynamic Query, it crossed wires in my mind.

It seems to me that the Queries, taken individually and taken as a whole, could be classified better. I have the feeling that the queries were just thrown together  in a hodge-podge sort of way with no rhyme or reason. Maybe with some more fore-thought and front-end planning  the whole issue of Queries could be presented better. Well, that is my 2 cents worth.

I don't understand the technical ins and out of large numbers of messages.

However, I did read some documentation recently on Cache Semaphores.

If I understand what you are  are asking, it seems that Semaphores may be the answer.

Here is a little documentation I found.


This release introduces semaphores to Caché applications. Semaphores provide a fast, efficient mechanism for signaling, control and synchronization among processes, especially between those running on an ECP system. For more about the use of semaphores, consult the class documentation, %SYSTEM.Semaphore, or the technical article on the subject.