This is a very nice and well produced video. But it jumps into explaining about how OAuth works without every stating what OAuth is. It assumes that whoever watches the video knows what OAuth is.

It would be nice to have a paragraph or two just explaining what this application is.

It is not my intention to throw stones, but this seems to be a pattern in InterSystems documentation, explaining how something works without first explaining what it is. I guess they assume if they explain how it works, we will understand what it is. Not necessarily so.

I know I am going to get hammered for this, but it is true.

Herman, very nice, thank you.

If you have no objection, may I use this in a subsequent NewBie's Corner?


To the Developer Community as a whole,

One of the reasons I show older techniques is that many times NewBies go into a group with older standards and ways of doing things. The NewBie needs to know the current techniques but also need to understand the older ways of doing thing. It is not much use to the NewBie to know all the current methods but cannot understand older style code.

I'm not sure exactly what you're asking here;  if there are more specific questions, please let us know.


What is being asked here?

Perhaps you could start by defining for yourself:

What are properties?

What are methods?

What are objects?

before you start asking about relaltionships.

There is some good basic information available in the documentation, start there.

There is also some good online learning available, see the tag on online learning.

Then there are the NewBie posts.