go to post Bob Kuszewski · Jun 14, 2022 IRIS does not yet support Ubuntu 22.04. You can find the list of supported platforms in the documentation. Would you be able to try on an Ubuntu 20.04 VM instead?
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Apr 20, 2022 In Embedded Python, exceptions flow back-and-forth between ObjectScript and Python as you'd expect. If your Python code raises an exception, but does not handle it, then the exception is passed to the ObjectScript side. And vice-versa. In your example, I'm not sure why you're handling the exception in python and then returning an exception object to the caller. Why not just not catch the exception and let it get passed along to the ObjectScript side?
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Mar 30, 2022 I like to bake the timezone into the container when I build it. That way it'll have the correct timezone no matter where I run it. Here's an example Dockerfile based on the latest IRIS container that sets the container's timezone to Pacific (aka America/Los_Angeles). FROM intersystemsdc/iris-community USER root ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -yq tzdata && \ ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Los_Angeles /etc/localtime && \ dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata USER irisowner You can then do a docker build . to create the container, docker image ls, and docker run
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Mar 23, 2022 Yes, IKO provided support for a simple IRIS topology where all Compute (ECP clients) nodes are the same, as are all data (shards), and all web gateways.IKO is a tool that simplifies common deployments of IRIS in Kubernetes. It takes your description of your irisCluster and creates the base kubernetes objects needed to support that deployment (a real lifesaver for sharding/mirroring deployments). You can always see what IKO created and use that as inspiration for creating your own YAML to deploy IRIS in your kubernetes environment.
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Mar 14, 2022 The IKO container is distributed as both part of the IKO distribution and via the InterSystems Container Registry. For most users, the right answer is to just point to the container in ICR. We mention this in the documentation here: https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls... If you have your own container registry you can push the container there. The error message provided looks like you're trying to add it to docker hub and getting permission denied.
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Feb 25, 2022 docker-compose generates this error when ISC_IAM_IMAGE isn't set. I have this problem when I forget to "source" the iam_setup.sh script in other words running the script via source exports the environment variables, but just running the script doesn't. source ./scripts/iam-setup.sh
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Dec 20, 2021 Couchbase has JDBC and ODBC drivers. Can your application design use the IRIS SQL Gateway?
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Oct 27, 2021 We've tried to package up our best practices for deploying IRSI in K8s into the InterSystems Kubernetes Operator. In other words, instead of documenting everything, we built a tool that automates what can be automated.That said, it doesn't cover everything. Your example question is a good one - should IRIS clusters be deployed into the same kubernetes cluster as your other workloads? The right answer to that depends on your exact needs.In general, you shouldn't deploy IRIS into a different Kubernetes cluster than the rest of your kubernetes-managed application. However, I'd consider doing it if there were strong architectural/compliance reasons to keep the IRIS cluster separated from other applications. Feel free to reach out if you want someone to go over your situation give more proscriptive advice.
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Mar 1, 2021 Hi Stefan - I'll try to answer your questions in order. If you want to know more, let me know. IKO does not currently configure any kubernetes ingress, but there is a service that is configured which you could choose to configure for external access (a load balancer, for example). You can set this via spec.serviceTemplate.spec section of your iriscluster yaml. That's a spec which gives details about the service that we create. I like to use ClusterIP for the service type and then create an ingress to give me good control over what is exposed to the internet. A bit more info can be found here: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#publish... Regarding routing to individual hosts... From within the cluster (say another pod in the namespace) each other pod is accessible via it's hostname (for example, myCluster-data-0-1) and you can use the kubectl port forwarding feature to allow you administrative access as you may need. For non-administrative workflows, I suggest creating kubernetes services that point to the subset(s) of pods you want to use for each type of production traffic you want to manage. We are currently working on adding native support for IAM and SAM in IKO, which greatly simplifies installing these products in Kubernetes. In the meantime, most use cases would want to run IAM inside the cluster by creating a series of kubernetes deployments, services, and ingress to deploy IAM. I might be able to gin up an example if you're going this way.
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Nov 4, 2020 I just updated the native api contest template .NET sample to include an example of how this works. As Eduard said, IRISProviderCore21 has everything you might need if you're using .NET Core. https://github.com/intersystems-community/native-api-contest-template/tr...
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Oct 7, 2020 Good idea. We're working on better processes for client distribution overall.
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Apr 13, 2020 We have explored the idea of creating an official IRIS driver for EF Core, but are not currently working on one. I think David (below) has a good idea for folks who are interested in making this happen.
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Mar 6, 2020 You're right, decimals aren't working properly with IRISList. We have a fix for this in-process and expect to have it in our mid-year release.
go to post Bob Kuszewski · Mar 3, 2020 Hi Adam - At the moment, the jar files are only distributed as part of IRIS (the Windows installer, Docker container, etc). If distributing the client libraries in a different manner would significantly improve your development cycle, please let me know. -Bob