go to post Ignacio Valdes · Nov 10, 2019 Should I be concerned about these errors? Enabling namespace 'RPMS' for Interoperability: * This instance is not in a mirror * Mappings - Class: + Adding class mapping Ens -> ENSLIB + Adding class mapping EnsLib -> ENSLIB + Adding class mapping EnsPortal -> ENSLIB + Adding class mapping CSPX.Dashboard -> ENSLIB - Routine: + Adding routine mapping Ens* -> ENSLIB - Global: + Checking/fixing global directory settings for existing global ^EnsDICOM.Dictionary + Checking/fixing global directory settings for existing global ^EnsEDI.Description + Checking/fixing global directory settings for existing global ^EnsEDI.Schema + Creating new global directory entry for ^EnsEDI.X12.Description Error when saving global entry: ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <PROTECT>%SaveData+10^%Library.GlobalEdit.1 ^EnsEDI.X12.Description,/ISC/dur/mgr/IHSFOIARPMS/ + Creating new global directory entry for ^EnsEDI.X12.Schema Error when saving global entry: ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <PROTECT>%SaveData+10^%Library.GlobalEdit.1 ^EnsEDI.X12.Schema,/ISC/dur/mgr/IHSFOIARPMS/ + Creating new global directory entry for ^IRIS.Msg Error when saving global entry: ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <PROTECT>%SaveData+10^%Library.GlobalEdit.1 ^IRIS.Msg,/ISC/dur/mgr/IHSFOIARPMS/ + Creating new global directory entry for ^IRIS.MsgNames Error when saving global entry: ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <PROTECT>%SaveData+10^%Library.GlobalEdit.1 ^IRIS.MsgNames,/ISC/dur/mgr/IHSFOIARPMS/ + Adding global mapping ^EnsDICOM.Dictionary -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^EnsEDI.Description("X","X12") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^EnsEDI.Schema("HIPAA_4010") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^EnsEDI.Schema("HIPAA_5010") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^EnsEDI.Schema("ISC_00401") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^EnsEDI.Schema("ISC_00405") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^EnsEDI.X12.Description("HIPAA_4010") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^EnsEDI.X12.Description("HIPAA_5010") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^EnsEDI.X12.Schema("HIPAA_4010") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^EnsEDI.X12.Schema("HIPAA_5010") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.Msg("Arial,Tahoma,Verdana") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.Msg("Confirm") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.Msg("EDIDocumentView") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.Msg("Ens") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.Msg("EnsAlert") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.Msg("EnsBPL") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.Msg("EnsColumns") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.Msg("EnsDICOM") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.Msg("EnsEDI") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.Msg("EnsEDIEDIFACT") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.Msg("EnsEDIHL7") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.Msg("EnsEDISEF") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.Msg("EnsEDIX12") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.Msg("EnsEnt") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.Msg("EnsLDAP") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.Msg("EnsPushNotifications") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.Msg("EnsRecordMap") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.Msg("EnsSAP") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.Msg("EnsSR") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.Msg("EnsSearchTable") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.Msg("EnsWf") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.Msg("EnsXPATH") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.Msg("EnsebXML") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.Msg("Ensemble") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.Msg("RuleEditor") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.Msg("Workflow") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.Msg("tahoma,verdana") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.MsgNames("Arial,Tahoma,Verdana") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.MsgNames("Confirm") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.MsgNames("EDIDocumentView") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.MsgNames("Ens") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.MsgNames("EnsAlert") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.MsgNames("EnsBPL") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.MsgNames("EnsColumns") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.MsgNames("EnsDICOM") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.MsgNames("EnsEDI") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.MsgNames("EnsEDIEDIFACT") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.MsgNames("EnsEDIHL7") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.MsgNames("EnsEDISEF") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.MsgNames("EnsEDIX12") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.MsgNames("EnsEnt") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.MsgNames("EnsLDAP") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.MsgNames("EnsPushNotifications") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.MsgNames("EnsRecordMap") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.MsgNames("EnsSAP") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.MsgNames("EnsSR") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.MsgNames("EnsSearchTable") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.MsgNames("EnsWf") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.MsgNames("EnsXPATH") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.MsgNames("EnsebXML") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.MsgNames("Ensemble") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.MsgNames("RuleEditor") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.MsgNames("Workflow") -> ENSLIB + Adding global mapping ^IRIS.MsgNames("tahoma,verdana") -> ENSLIB - Updating CPF - Moving changes to active configuration - Loading new mappings for namespace 'RPMS' * Validating Installation in 'RPMS' - Checking class 'Ens.Director' ... - Checking class 'Ens.MessageBody' ... - Checking class 'Ens.StudioManager' ... * Creating Interoperability Management Portal - Not copying legacy CSP pages for portal application - Configuring portal: /csp/rpms [RPMS] using /ISC/dur/csp/rpms - Creating directory: /ISC/dur/csp/rpms - Creating CSP Application: /csp/rpms Name = [/csp/rpms] AutheEnabled = [32] Enabled = [1] Description = [Interoperability Management Portal] Resource = [%Ens_Portal] AutoCompile = [0] Timeout = [900] Path = [/ISC/dur/csp/rpms] Recurse = [1] LoginPage = [] InbndWebServicesEnabled = [1] TwoFactorEnabled = [0] IsNameSpaceDefault = [0] PermittedClasses = [] MatchRoles = [] Type = [2] CookiePath = [/csp/rpms/] LockCSPName = [1] NameSpace = [RPMS] CSPZENEnabled = [1] GroupById = [%ISCMgtPortal] ServeFiles = [2] UseCookies = [2] - Removing legacy CSP pages and files from directory '/ISC/dur/csp/rpms/' - Not compiling portal '/csp/rpms/' in RPMS as no CSP files were copied * Adding explicit SQL privileges to Interoperability Roles - Adding SQL privileges for role '%EnsRole_Administrator' - Adding SQL privileges for role '%EnsRole_AlertOperator' - Adding SQL privileges for role '%EnsRole_Developer' - Adding SQL privileges for role '%EnsRole_Monitor' - Adding SQL privileges for role '%EnsRole_Operator' - Adding SQL privileges for role '%EnsRole_RegistryManager' - Adding SQL privileges for role '%EnsRole_RegistrySelect' - Adding SQL privileges for role '%EnsRole_RulesDeveloper' - Adding SQL privileges for role '%EnsRole_WebDeveloper' * Adding Interoperability SearchTables - Validating all SearchTable metadata - Regenerating metadata for EnsLib.EDI.EDIFACT.SearchTable ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <PROTECT>%SaveData+31^Ens.Config.SearchTableProp.1 ^Ens.Config.SearchTablePropD("EnsLib.EDI.EDIFACT.SearchTable","Identifier"),/ISC/dur/mgr/IHSFOIARPMS/ Update Complete. ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <PROTECT>%SaveData+31^Ens.Config.SearchTableProp.1 ^Ens.Config.SearchTablePropD("EnsLib.EDI.EDIFACT.SearchTable","Identifier"),/ISC/dur/mgr/IHSFOIARPMS/
go to post Ignacio Valdes · Nov 8, 2019 I think it is semi-imported. Documentation says enter DB characteristics but this is an import so I am at this juncture below unsure what to do next.
go to post Ignacio Valdes · Nov 8, 2019 Made it to here. I have a opaque IRIS.DAT from IHS FOIA. Not sure where to go next or if I am on the right track.
go to post Ignacio Valdes · Nov 7, 2019 Okay I have created /opt/ISC/dur/mgr/IHSFOIARPMS that contains renamed IRIS.DAT I am in management portal and I see lots and lots of possibilities. I would appreciate more direction but I suspect that very soon the answer will be to read the fine manual but I am also wondering which fine manual?
go to post Ignacio Valdes · Nov 7, 2019 I have IHS FOIA CACHE.DAT on the ubuntu filesystem IRIS cloud instance. I see that other IRIS.DATs exist: /opt/ISC/dur/mgr/IRIS.DAT/opt/ISC/dur/mgr/irisaudit/IRIS.DAT/opt/ISC/dur/mgr/irislocaldata/IRIS.DAT/opt/ISC/dur/mgr/iristemp/IRIS.DAT/opt/ISC/dur/mgr/user/IRIS.DAT Should I overwrite one of those or???
go to post Ignacio Valdes · Nov 4, 2019 Okay, _SYSTEM worked. How do I get a ton of RPMS code https://hub.docker.com/r/osehra/rpms/ into IRIS under the circumstances? I am very familiar with Unix, Linux, filesystems, etc I know git and github enough to dislike it but my vote doesn't count. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and there seems to be quite a bit of wrapping around all of this with docker and web interfaces. General importation steps would be nice. -- IV
go to post Ignacio Valdes · Nov 4, 2019 I need the artist formerly known as Ensemble does the Standard non-health (un-healthy?) IRIS have that? -- IV
go to post Ignacio Valdes · Nov 4, 2019 Deleted instance, relaunched. Tried both id's ERROR #822: Access Denied
go to post Ignacio Valdes · Nov 4, 2019 Thanks, I started it up with the command, visited the site, it prompted me to change the password, told me 3 times that my new password did not match now it tells me ERROR #822: Access Denied