Hello Soufiane, although your thank you is appreciated, an acceptance check is even more, because it alerts users with the same issue as you that a solution has been provided already.


You'll also help us if you use the same thread whenever you think about making a similar post. Don't create new threads if your subject is the same as the one you already created, or the community will start downvoting you.

Remember that downvoted threads have less chance of getting attention.

I think the community as a whole take some blame as well. Since Caché is robust enough to make us think  that we can only use features provided and audited by ISC themselves., you can see that when comparing the number of questions with articles/anouncements. 

So far, my impressions are that most of Caché developers prefer to take the safest route instead of trying what the community provides. There're exceptional projects as well, like WebTerminal but such projects still represent a minor part of us using it.

This subsequently results in open-source projects being abandoned due to the lack of interest as user and developer (maintainers). My proof when saying that is the amount of replies and attention a thread that presents a new project gets.

Also, if you don't want to lose time trying to convince your boss about open-sourcing a tool, do it outside and bring it to where you work. This way you'll be able to say that the project is your initiative and not something on behalf of the company you work. Just remember to design it in a way that won't use any business code.

Nice, but to prevent flooding the OP's e-mail inbox you could introduce an internal timer that gets triggered when a new answer is posted.

e.g., if I post a new thread asking for help with something. And someone posts an anwer, as I'm the OP I'll be notified by e-mail if I don't see the thread again within 15 minutes. If I still don't see the thread, wait another day and send the e-mail again.

Well, something like that.

Actually... forget my idea, I guess it would complicate and annoy OPs even more needlessly.

Hello Evgeny! Sure!

 No. 5 means that instead of showing the editor that creates a reply, leave it hidden untill the user clicks Add new comment. This way this editor won't appear before the one that creates an answer. 

Doing that, it's possible to prevent replies that should be an answer, so that they can be checked by the OP.


No 7. is simple, but I'll elaborate it to explain the why. I have noticed that the community contributes a lot with tutorials (including mine), but there's no way to classify them in that way, leaving them mixed with unrelated threads. Several times, these tutorials get lost because they disappear from the user's visibility, since they get pushed down by newer threads.

So if you introduce a tag or even a group to correlate them, it would make easier to search them.