· Oct 11, 2016
Modify search summary view

Would it be possible to include more lines, and maybe even replace line breaks with a space, to allow you to view the posts that are made more efficiently?

For example, I clicked on Caché and noticed that almost everyone began with "Hi", which ended up not really allowing you to review any of the posts before diving deeper.

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· Oct 11, 2016
Modify search feature

I am unsure why but the search feature does not allow you to begin your search with a period, please have this modified.

For example, I was not able to search for ".obj".

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Does anyone have any experience with getting, unfortunately, an older version of Cache to authenticate via SMTP to send email? I have verified that the settings are set up properly on the mailbox as I have successfully sent an email from a LAMP server, which comes from the same IP address.

If you have any thoughts, I would greatly appreciate it.

This is the error I receive

ERROR #6034: SMTP server connection failed during MAIL FROM command: <READ>zSend+105^%Net.SMTP.1.

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