Question Leon Duveen · Apr 11, 2022 I need to remove double quotes (") from a string I need to remove double quotes (") from a string and can't remember how to escape it in input string in ReplaceStr or Strip. Thanks in advance #Ensemble 0 7 0 1.4K
Question Leon Duveen · Feb 12, 2020 I keep getting ERROR #6159 when trying to read in a WSDL file from the server I am using the SOAP Wizard in Studio to try to read in a WSDL file that is physically on our HealthShare server. I keep getting the same error: #SOAP #HealthShare 0 4 0 783
Question Leon Duveen · Aug 20, 2019 Adding a header line to a file I have set up a process to produce a daily file to be submitted to another system and this is working (using EnsLib.RecordMap.Operation.FileOperation). However, the file needs to have a header line added each time it is created so it can be processed by the down stream system. Looking though EnsLib.RecordMap.Operation.FileOperation and EnsLib.File.OutboundAdapter, I can't see where I can do this easily. Any suggestions?Thanks #Ensemble 0 3 0 414
Question Leon Duveen · Mar 16, 2017 Help creating Web Methods for a SOAP HL7 Receiver I am configuring a SOAP HL7 Receiver to handle HL7 Query messages.I have set up a new class based on EnsLib.SOAP.Service and configured (correctly I hope) the parameters needed. I have also amended the OnProcessInput Method skeleton provide to send messages on to the Business Process needed.I am struggling to work out what is needed in the Web Methods and how to create them. Any help with this would be much appreciated especially examples that I can adapt for what I need.Many thanks #Business Service #Ensemble 0 1 0 377
Question Leon Duveen · Nov 14, 2016 SOAP Operation giving "Not Registered" error My SOAP Operation is returning an error "ERROR ErrBusinessDispatchNameNotRegistered: Business dispatch name 'PKB_SOAP_Sender' is not registered to run" How to I resolve this? #Business Operation #HL7 #Ensemble 0 2 0 1.3K
Question Leon Duveen · Mar 18, 2016 Adding a transformation to the ACK route We need to add some stored data to an ACK message being sent back to the originating system. I have been looking at how to adapt the standard "EnsLib.HL7.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine" to do this as I cannot see any obvious way. Any suggestion? #Ensemble 0 1 0 510
Question Leon Duveen · Mar 14, 2016 Referencing properties in the Header or Body of a message We have to route messages in a Process Class by their source (using either the SourceConfigName from the Message Header or the Source in the Message Body. The inputs are standard HL7 messages from different Services but need to be routed on to different Processes depending on where they come from (not my design & I can't change it now) does any one have any suggestions how I could do this?Thanks #Ensemble 0 4 0 751