go to post Armin Gayl · Sep 11, 2018 Hi, this is my method to remove the crlf. I check every stream and remove it. You could also change the operation, but the problem remains if you exchange data with other systems.ClassMethod PDFfromBase64Stream(pFilename As %String, Base64Stream As %Stream.GlobalCharacter) As %Status{ set SGB1=##class(%Stream.GlobalBinary).%New() set SGB2=##class(%Stream.GlobalBinary).%New() set FBS = ##class(%Stream.FileBinary).%New() set sc = FBS.FilenameSet(pFilename) Do FBS.Rewind() Do Base64Stream.Rewind() while 'Base64Stream.AtEnd{ set temp=Base64Stream.Read() set temp=$translate(temp, $c(13,10)) set temp=$REPLACE(temp, "\r\n","") do SGB1.Write(temp)}do SGB1.Rewind() while 'SGB1.AtEnd{ set temp=SGB1.Read(5700) set temp=$system.Encryption.Base64Decode(temp) do SGB2.Write(temp)}do FBS.CopyFrom(SGB2)set sc = FBS.%Save()quit sc}
go to post Armin Gayl · Sep 10, 2017 Hi,did you remember to use the existing setting in the second transformation?Can you describe the error in more detail?I don't think I fully understand the problem.Mit freundlichen GrüßenArmin
go to post Armin Gayl · Apr 4, 2017 Hi Graham,please try<assign value='source.{PID:PatientIDInternalID(1).ID}_"^^^STLMC^MR"' property='target.{PID:3(1)}' action='set' />I think the test function works differently than the right DTLPlease tell me if it has worked.Otherwise, try thiswith the PID:PatientIDInternal(1).ID did you set the PID:3.1 please append value in the other subfields a second step. Like this:<assign value='source.{PID:PatientIDInternalID(1).ID}' property='target.{PID:3(1)}' action='set' /><assign value='"^^^STLMC^MR"' property='target.{PID:3(1)}' action='append' />OR<assign value='source.{PID:3(1).1}' property='target.{PID:3(1).1}' action='set' /><assign value='"STLMC"' property='target.{PID:3(1).4}' action='set' /><assign value='"MR"' property='target.{PID:3(1).5}' action='set' />
go to post Armin Gayl · Nov 22, 2016 Good evening,I would save the rtf-file locally and then send as attachment.http://docs.intersystems.com/ens20081/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KE...See attachfile.If successful, it can be deleted.Edit: Sorry forget the extract problem... set FileName = source.GetValueAt("TXA:16") or something else +rtf set stream = source.GetValueAt("OBXgrp(6).OBX:5.5") set file=##class(%FileBinaryStream).%New()set filePath = "E:\transfer\smtp\rtfs\"set file.Filename=Filepath_Filenameset tSc = file.Rewind()set tSC = file.Write(stream) set tSC = file.Rewind()set tSC = file.%Save()Only a idea, no functional guaranteeBest regardsArmin Gayl