go to post Yaron Munz · Jun 21, 2024 The best practice is put a token (that was safely acquired by the sender) rather than a user/password in the header. This token will give you both authentication, authorization and validity (expiration date and time or retention). Then, the recipient can verify those.
go to post Yaron Munz · Feb 12, 2024 Very nice article. Its exiting to see that Intersystems developers are taking advantage of the (great) Embedded Python feature in IRIS. If you want to see a "real life" use case (we are using it for more than 2 years in our production environment), check this article: IRIS Embedded Python with Azure Service Bus (ASB) use case | InterSystems(it also won the 1st place in an Intersystems article competition in 2022)
go to post Yaron Munz · Nov 29, 2023 As you probably know, a stream is a "collection" of strings ("under the hood"). As the $ZCRC doesn't support incremental hashing you need to choose some other hashing that support this: SHA-256, MD5 (not recommended due to security vulnerabilities)
go to post Yaron Munz · Nov 28, 2023 We will continue to use SAM for a while. Next year we plan to migrate to "DataDog" monitoring tool which is already being used in our company.The /api/monitor/metrics/ can be still being used :-)
go to post Yaron Munz · Nov 28, 2023 I have tested the metrics rest/api and seems that the terminator that is being used is $C(10)
go to post Yaron Munz · Nov 24, 2023 using the /LOGCMD is very useful to log the resulting command line into messages.log so you could have easy access to see from the SMP. Also, I/O Redirection could be useful for having input, output, errors linked to files (both Linux and Windows)
go to post Yaron Munz · Nov 16, 2023 Could you please give additional information on how the data is being pulled?You say "tables" so I assume you run a SQL: Is this done by "select" or do you run a SP? Is this is a local task on the server (running a COS code) or externally with ODBC/JDBC connection?
go to post Yaron Munz · Nov 14, 2023 I hope that the APIs (e.g. /api/monitor/metrics) will still work, so metrics can still be embeded into any monitoring tool that we are using like dataDog. Is this correct to assume?
go to post Yaron Munz · Nov 8, 2023 You may use $LISTFIND $LISTFIND | InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2023.2
go to post Yaron Munz · Nov 3, 2023 No, there is no limit for the size of %Library.DynamicObject, but the %ToJSON() might give a <MAXSTRING> - here is a workaround for such: https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls...
go to post Yaron Munz · Oct 26, 2023 Robert, WIJ is used to write data to the Db. WIJ holds the copy of Db blocks before they are written to the Db to allow to keep Db integrity (Cache checks if there are "dirty" blocks on WIJ when started, if so writtes them to the Dbs). "cache buffers" are used to store blocks that were READ from the Db to aviod disk access for concurrent reads
go to post Yaron Munz · Sep 12, 2023 For a-sync mirror membwers, you could use the query: Set result = ##class(%ResultSet).%New("SYS.Mirror:MemberStatusList") and then to iterate on result and do the necessary cheeks.
go to post Yaron Munz · Sep 7, 2023 Great workaround. I remember that I had a problem few years ago that the WebTerminal was unable to do:ZLOAD routine ZPRINTI did some (ugly, must say) changes in the broker to let this workDoes your wrapper is able to handle this as well?
go to post Yaron Munz · Aug 24, 2023 I would recommend that in systems that the audit database is big or huge you stop IRIS and move that database to another disk. Then change in IRIS.CPF (Database section) the location for the audit database.
go to post Yaron Munz · Aug 22, 2023 Check the user "task2" permissions, maybe this user does not have permission to the audit databse?
go to post Yaron Munz · Jun 19, 2023 Which browser do you use? I noticed that in Edge the credentials box is not popped-up resulting an 401 error, so you need to work with "IE mode" (on chrome, it does pop-up).
go to post Yaron Munz · Jun 13, 2023 I started programming around $H=55000.Found in old MSM languange refrence manual ver. 4.4 that: $ZU(1) and $ZU(0) are same as $ZUCI(1) and will returns the external name "UCI,VOL" for the current UCI
go to post Yaron Munz · Jun 6, 2023 I would check the following: 1. Check the %SYS.Task class with SQL but also do an Integrity check, to see if there are any errors on those globals that hold that task manager data. 2. if the "corrupted"/"copied" task (with $h=0) is the one that consume 100% of CPU, I would try to "re-schedule" it to see if the new "next date" is set to something else. If not, to delete (you don't need to re-create it, looks like 1001 is a copy of 1000) 3. Monitor the 100% CPU task (SMP or JOBEXAM) to try to understand at what commands it's "stuck"
go to post Yaron Munz · May 31, 2023 you need to have an object from the %Dictionary.CompiledClass not from "your" table/class. Then you will be able to access all those Methods, Triggers, Incidies and so on. The code I gave is a working code, not a pseudo code.
go to post Yaron Munz · May 31, 2023 SQL adaptive mode s not avail. on 2022.1.2 but only on 2023.1 (right) %SYS>s Status=##Class(Config.SQL).Get(.Properties)%SYS>zw PropertiesProperties("ANSIPrecedence")=1Properties("AdaptiveMode")=1... Properties("TimePrecision")=0