Did you know that when you define a ClassQuery that secretly behind the scenes a ClassMethod is being generated that executes the query ?

For instance if you have a query

Query ByName(Name As %String) As %SQLQuery(CONTAINID = 1)
SELECT %ID,Address,City,Name FROM ClassQuery

There will be a ClassMethod ByNameFunc(Name) which returns a  %SQL.StatementResult object.

I assume your interfaces are all part of a bigger application, AFAIK there is no way to span an Ensemble Production across namespaces and from a EIA/ESB point-of-view having separate (connected) productions running on a single Ensemble instance doesn't make much sense.

Your idea to have individual builds and deployments makes sense though, but that would be more stuff that a dedicated build/deployment tool should be able to do

There's where I find it a pity ISC choose Eclipse as a base for Atelier (love the name btw). Besides that I'm not a fan of Eclipse, I find it bloated and non-intuitive, the fact that plugins/extensions  need to be written in Java limits  (at least for me) the possibilities. A Javascript based IDE (such as Atom or Brackets) would make it much more accesible. That said, if ISC would be able to divise a plugin structure that is COS/Server based (at least partially) that might open up a lot of opportunities for seasoned COS developers.

Considering myself among the 'the older and more established users of InterSystems technologies' ;-) we've always used the setup where each developer has his/hers own development machine. How the 'sandbox' namespace is called is not relevant. We use Git to tie the stuff together (more and more automated). It is allowed, or even encouraged, to use different versions of Caché or (in our case) Ensemble, which sometimes results in code that is not compatible with the current Production version, but we detect that in our QA phase and that might trigger discussions wether to upgrade Production if a used incompatible feature is of great value.

Having a separate development sandbox leaves room for experimenting which you wouldn't have if every developer is working in the same namespace, where in my opninion 'not to step on each others toes' would be much too constraining.

It will probable the same when Atelier takes off, some of us will be using that while others will stick to Studio or even brew their own in MS Code. 

If you're controling the webservice 'on the other side',  the best way to handle this is to make it asynchronous, just returning a sort of Ack that the message is received.

Depending if you need information back or not the service can return a status back.

Also since the service seems to provide rather unrelated functionality, it might be a good idea to split the service up in different services.

Glad to have these kind of discussions.

I didn't mean 'huge overkill' in the sense of amount of bytes, but merely the stack that is needed to run a simple Cache service (Docker, Linux and a complete Cache instance). And yes, it's a huge improvement compared to VM's.
Now (at least in this phase of containerization) you need to know quite some Linux and since I'm not a DevOps guy, I don't want to know Linux (or any other OS for that matter) beyond being able to use it.
I've been working on a skunk project (Bento) that tries to provide containerization just using Cache.
My thoughts are about two kinds of containers, application (code) and data containers that expose a REST interface.

Applications don't have a state so they can be instantiated, upgraded, replicated quite easily.
The problem is with the data containers, they can be instantiated from a initial state ofcourse, but the amount of catching up to do in terms of data synchronization could be substantial.
It depends on the granularity of the data, but it makes no sense to instantiate a data container that needs to catch up terrabytes of data.

Bento is far from being published, not even as a demonstration, but I might put together a little presentation that explains its principles.

I don't think we need/want/can rebuild all the stuff that Linux provides, but it should be possible to sandbox a namespace a lot more then is prossible right now.

I think both solutions (Cache in a container and Cache as a container) can both exist, each having it's own advantages.

Bill, Luca,

Have you ever considered Caché as a container as opposed to in a container ?

Secure (sandboxed) small applications (let's call them MicroServices ;-)) easily deployable, replicable and synchronizable across multiple Caché instances.

I still find Docker containers a huge overkill (in terms of needed stack) if all you want to containerize are Caché applications.