The %SYSTEM.SQL::Execute() method returns an %SQL.StatementResult object. I'm not that familiar with the iris.node module, but it appears that invoke_classmethod() does not return an object that you can pass to invoke_method() or get_property(). However, it seems that you can fake it by copying the "result" field into a new object as "oref":

> result = data.invoke_classmethod({class: '%SYSTEM.SQL', method: 'Execute', arguments: ['select 1']})
{ ok: 1,
  class: '%SYSTEM.SQL',
  method: 'Execute',
  arguments: [ 'select 1' ],
  result: '12' }
> data.get_property(result, '%SQLCODE')
Error: No object reference provided
> o = {oref: result.result}
{ oref: '12' }
> data.get_property(o, '%SQLCODE')
{ ok: 1, oref: 12, property: '%SQLCODE', value: '0' }
> data.invoke_method(o, '%GetData', 1)
{ ok: 1, oref: 12, method: '%GetData', result: '1' }

The main thing I can suggest is to verify that the client and server agree on the encoding. It's been years since I've used Reflection; hopefully it supports UTF-8. Check your settings and/or documentation.

When you're in a Caché session, look at the value of the $zmode special variable:

USER>w $zm

I'm not sure offhand what determines the default I/O translation table for a terminal, but if you see "RAW" instead of "UTF8", you can set it manually:

USER>u 0:(/IOT="UTF8")

USER>w $zm

So the input is Windows-1252, and the output is Windows-1252 in which certain characters are mapped to their numerical escape sequence? You could do this with XSLT 2.0 using character maps.

Given this input (presented here as UTF-8 for visibility on the forum):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
• coffee €5,• tea €4

This stylesheet will escape the bullets and euro signs:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="">
  <xsl:character-map name="a">
    <xsl:output-character character="€" string="&amp;#128;"/>
    <xsl:output-character character="•" string="&amp;#149;"/>
  <xsl:output encoding="Windows-1252" indent="yes" use-character-maps="a"/>
  <xsl:template match="/">
      <xsl:value-of select="/Recordset"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
&#149; coffee &#128;5,&#149; tea &#128;4

The first $zf(-100) call doesn't work, because you're trying to redirect with the /STDOUT flag and the ">>" operator. You can do one or the other, but not both.

If you add the /LOGCMD flag to the second $zf(-100) call, you should see something like the following in messages.log:

    $ZF(-100) cmd=type "" file1.txt

I suggest that you not put an empty string in your options array.

I'm not that familiar with adapters, but the documentation suggests that you need to use the SkipBodyAttrs property to send a header like Content-Type. Also, I think you need to decide whether you're sending form data or a body. When tFormVar is "Content-Type,apikey", the documentation says that your third data argument will be assigned to the last form variable, apikey, which is almost certainly not what you want. Your second try with three variables looks more likely to work, depending on what the service expects in the body.

I don't know anything about the duplicate apikey. That's presumably specific to the service you're calling.

Take heart, I think you're getting close. I think all you need now is to quote the arguments to the --before switch, as shown in the documentation:

    --before "/usr/irissys/dev/Cloud/ICM/ /IRIS/pwd.txt"

If you're still having trouble, build up the command incrementally, as I previously suggested, being careful to follow the correct form of the command.

Dmitry's answer about looking at log files will also give you more information than simply noticing in docker ps that the container has exited.

I'm finding it hard to read the output images, but every one of the commands that you listed has a Docker option after the image name. The form of the command should be:

    docker run <Docker opts> image_name <IRIS args>

To be clear, the -e (--env), -p (--publish), and -v (--volume) switches are Docker options; they go before the image name. The --key and --before switches are IRIS arguments; they go after the image name.

You're sort of back to where you were before, with Docker switches occurring after the image name, although you now have the image name in there twice. I don't have your environment, so I can't test this exact command, but I think you want something like this:

    docker run -d --privileged -v /nfs/IRIS:/IRIS \
    --env ISC_DATA_DIRECTORY=/IRIS/iconfig \
    --env ICM_SENTINEL_DIR=/license \
    -p 52774:52774 --name IRIS4 efca5c59cbb7 \
    --key /IRIS/iris.key ...

If you're still having trouble, back up and build the command line incrementally. Start simple:

    docker run -d --name IRIS4 efca5c59cbb7

Then add in your Docker switches (-v, -e, -p, etc.), and finally add in the IRIS arguments (--key, etc.). That way you can tell which switch or argument is causing a problem.