It looks like the accented "é" is causing problems with the directory software. The UTF-8 encoding of \u00e9 is \xc3\xa9, which is URL encoded as %c3%a9, which has been URL encoded again as %25c3%25a9. Try this:

My browser displays this as:éQuality

Interesting. I added a loop for if $increment(num) {} (i.e., a new-style if statement that doesn't set $test): no measurable improvement over legacy if.

I also added a loop for do $increment(num) (i.e., a do statement that neither sets $test nor returns a value): ever so slightly slower.

USER>d ^Times(1,8)
   count   num+1   1+num   =$i()    $i()  $i(){}  d $i()
               times in microseconds
       1   1.000   0.000   1.000   0.000   0.000   1.000
      10   0.000   0.000   0.100   0.100   0.000   0.000
     100   0.010   0.010   0.490   0.030   0.030   0.040
    1000   0.042   0.011   0.029   0.034   0.029   0.033
   10000   0.011   0.010   0.030   0.032   0.032   0.031
  100000   0.009   0.010   0.030   0.028   0.027   0.031
 1000000   0.009   0.010   0.028   0.028   0.027   0.031
10000000   0.010   0.010   0.028   0.028   0.028   0.031

Incidentally, here are some results with num renamed to ^num:

USER>d ^Times(1,8)
   count   num+1   1+num   =$i()    $i()  $i(){}  d $i()
               times in microseconds
       1   2.000   0.000   2.000   1.000   0.000   0.000
      10   0.100   0.200   0.100   0.100   0.100   0.100
     100   1.070   0.280   0.130   0.110   0.100   0.110
    1000   0.142   0.144   0.142   0.102   0.102   0.106
   10000   0.142   0.141   0.110   0.116   0.104   0.108
  100000   0.142   0.141   0.102   0.101   0.100   0.104
 1000000   0.139   0.140   0.100   0.098   0.100   0.102
10000000   0.138   0.138   0.098   0.098   0.099   0.102

For "=$i()", I assigned a local, rather than redundantly assigning the global.

There is a way to do something similar in Caché and IRIS. In a Russian locale, you have access to the "KOI8R" I/O translation table. KOI8-R has the funny property that if you mask out the high-order bit, you get a sort of readable transliteration. Here's an example using a Unicode instance in the "rusw" locale:

    USER>s koi8=$zcvt("Пример для Кода","O","KOI8R")

    USER>s ascii="" f i=1:1:$l(koi8) s ascii=ascii_$c($zb($a(koi8,i),127,1))

    USER>zw ascii
    ascii="pRIMER DLQ kODA"

When you're using subscript indirection with a recursive $order traversal, you may find the $name function useful; e.g.,

    do ..RecursiveGlobalCount($na(@pGlobalName@(tKey)),"",.tCount)

As the other answers suggest, you probably want $query instead of $order, but $order can be useful for summarizing on multiple subscript levels (e.g., count, min, and max per country, state, and city).

It's documented here:

"The hashes are calculated using the PBKDF2 algorithm with the HMAC-SHA-1 pseudorandom function, as defined in Public Key Cryptography Standard #5 v2.1: 'Password-Based Cryptography Standard.' The current implementation uses 1024 iterations, 64 bits of salt, and generates 20 byte hash values."

It occurs to me that the Visual Basic solution works with minimal modification as Caché Basic: weaken the DIM statements, change Debug.Print to Print, and replace the call to Format$().

Option Explicit

Const VECSIZE = 3350
Const BUFSIZE = 201
Dim buffer
Dim vect
Dim more, karray, num, k, l, n

  For n = 1 To VECSIZE
    vect(n) = 2
  Next n
  For n = 1 To BUFSIZE
    karray = 0
    For l = VECSIZE To 1 Step -1
      num = 100000 * vect(l) + karray * l
      karray = num \ (2 * l - 1)
      vect(l) = num - karray * (2 * l - 1)
    Next l
    k = karray \ 100000
    buffer(n) = more + k
    more = karray - k * 100000
  Next n
  Print buffer(1)
  Print "."
  l = 0
  For n = 2 To BUFSIZE
    Print Right("00000" & buffer(n), 5)
    l = l + 1
    If l = 10 Then
      l = 0
      Print 'line feed
    End If
  Next n

The %SYSTEM.SQL::Execute() method returns an %SQL.StatementResult object. I'm not that familiar with the iris.node module, but it appears that invoke_classmethod() does not return an object that you can pass to invoke_method() or get_property(). However, it seems that you can fake it by copying the "result" field into a new object as "oref":

> result = data.invoke_classmethod({class: '%SYSTEM.SQL', method: 'Execute', arguments: ['select 1']})
{ ok: 1,
  class: '%SYSTEM.SQL',
  method: 'Execute',
  arguments: [ 'select 1' ],
  result: '12' }
> data.get_property(result, '%SQLCODE')
Error: No object reference provided
> o = {oref: result.result}
{ oref: '12' }
> data.get_property(o, '%SQLCODE')
{ ok: 1, oref: 12, property: '%SQLCODE', value: '0' }
> data.invoke_method(o, '%GetData', 1)
{ ok: 1, oref: 12, method: '%GetData', result: '1' }

The main thing I can suggest is to verify that the client and server agree on the encoding. It's been years since I've used Reflection; hopefully it supports UTF-8. Check your settings and/or documentation.

When you're in a Caché session, look at the value of the $zmode special variable:

USER>w $zm

I'm not sure offhand what determines the default I/O translation table for a terminal, but if you see "RAW" instead of "UTF8", you can set it manually:

USER>u 0:(/IOT="UTF8")

USER>w $zm

So the input is Windows-1252, and the output is Windows-1252 in which certain characters are mapped to their numerical escape sequence? You could do this with XSLT 2.0 using character maps.

Given this input (presented here as UTF-8 for visibility on the forum):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
• coffee €5,• tea €4

This stylesheet will escape the bullets and euro signs:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="">
  <xsl:character-map name="a">
    <xsl:output-character character="€" string="&amp;#128;"/>
    <xsl:output-character character="•" string="&amp;#149;"/>
  <xsl:output encoding="Windows-1252" indent="yes" use-character-maps="a"/>
  <xsl:template match="/">
      <xsl:value-of select="/Recordset"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
&#149; coffee &#128;5,&#149; tea &#128;4