Question Jon Willeke · Oct 20, 2016 "auto insert" template in Atelier? Some of the templates in Atelier display "on" in the "Auto Insert" column. I can't figure out how they differ from the ones that aren't so marked. Some Googling suggests that it should insert without displaying the template popup if there is only one matching template. However, I see the popup every time. 0 5 0 409
Article Jon Willeke · Sep 20, 2016 3m read Using ODBC with PHP in OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) In OS X 10.8 and earlier, PHP was built with ODBC support, making it easy to connect to a Caché database: $ php -r 'phpinfo();' |grep 'ODBC Support' ODBC Support => enabled However, this support was removed in OS X 10.9: #ODBC #Caché 2 1 0 2.6K
Question Jon Willeke · Mar 18, 2016 turn-key export of data for XML-enabled class? An XML-enabled class has an XMLExport() method that knows how to serialize an instance to XML. To export all instances of a class to a file, I need to instantiate a writer and loop through the extent. Is there no class method like XMLExportToFile() that does this in one go? #Object Data Model #Caché 0 3 0 427