go to post Kevin Furze · Sep 8, 2016 I've not yet experimented with mirroring. Its our busiest time of the year here, but that doesn't stop you thinking about the future.We are a small company running 24/7 and external out of hours support is expensive (2am on sunday morning is !!) so we stuck with win10 because it's what we know, what we can fix quickly. Not the best OS, but we do know where we are with it.It's where we have to go and play, but just wondered.kev
go to post Kevin Furze · Sep 8, 2016 is it possible to setup a mirror where the primary installation is a 32bit installation and the secondary installation is a 64bit installation. (both windows10 if it matters)I want to do this to allow the old programmes to access the 32bit, and development to continue on the 64bit with the aim to migrate to 64bit in the near future.
go to post Kevin Furze · Sep 3, 2016 does cache have to be the unicode version or can we use nodeJS with "standard cache" (I'm using nodejS 4.2.1 in a windows environment with 2016.1 cache)the reason I ask, I have installed the nodeJS (64bit) and it's fully working with the unicode version of cache (I read that I should be using unicode somewhere) but when I try to copy the same setup into 32bit windows environment (NON unicode) making sure I have the 32bit nodeJS, it won't connect,Been through loads of things, but its only unicode/non-unicode that seems to be different
go to post Kevin Furze · Jul 26, 2016 standard sql either embedded or by a result-set and output the sortorder into an array
go to post Kevin Furze · Jul 4, 2016 if I type the following into the editor set objFromJSON = {}.$fromJSON("{""a"":""1""}") then everything after the { } is showing "invalid syntax" it compiles correctly, but the parser needs tweaking
go to post Kevin Furze · Jun 22, 2016 Daimor on github gave a very useful set of classes (I believe v2015 onwards) that allowed you to log anything and everything to a classhttps://github.com/daimor/Logyou can pass in event types such as NONE,FATAL,ERROR,WARN, INFO,STAT,DEBUG,RAW and then it will handle just about anything, objects, strings, lists etc and then just do sql's for the actual messages
go to post Kevin Furze · Jun 22, 2016 thanks,and will it be supported in the sql window within the management portal??
go to post Kevin Furze · Jun 22, 2016 It's a nice idea, what version of Cache is this for ? I tried to use the same structure in the SQL explorer (v2016.1) but all it said was User Defined SQL function "SQLUSer.JSON_ARRAY" does not exist. is there plans to support this in the management consol - SQL viewer
go to post Kevin Furze · May 23, 2016 Timur: I originally took my code from Introducing new JSON capabilities in Cache 2016.1 article on this website and having not played with the new json capabilities, started with this method.the answers comments clearly show there are many ways to write the same thing.Stefan: I prefer legibility over brevity. and your solution does indeed help me visualise the end output. So my preferences is to adopt this version.thanks for the answers.Any other comments ?
go to post Kevin Furze · May 23, 2016 I have not seen the dot Value dot value syntax used, but I do like the simplicityI've also been playing all morning, and I've just got this to workWhile (result.Next()) { ; ID FleetNumber Registration SatNavVehNumber s mainObj= ##class(%Object).$new() s object = ##class(%Object).$new() s object.id = result.Data("ID" s object.reg = result.Data("Registration") s object.snNum = result.Data("SatNavVehNumber") s mainObj.data = object ; store all the resultSet into "data":.... do array.$push(mainObj) I think I prefer your method, but I've noted my new possible solution here as an alternativeany other solutions ?kevin
go to post Kevin Furze · May 17, 2016 I think its absolutely essential to be able to use similar syntax to google etc.example the use of minusSearchWord or phrase.it's just become so natural to start excluding words when you see topics within the results that are irrelevent.so I want to be search for able torest -deepsee -csp
go to post Kevin Furze · May 14, 2016 I've been following the tutorial, and I noticed %PARALLEL as in select %parallel from sqluser.newConsignmentsit's forcing multi-cores to be used to solve the sqli tried that on exactly the same sql above and the first time I ran it the time went back up to over 4 seconds, but when I ran it again (buffered globals) I got even better results.Row count: 31 Performance: 0.151 seconds 294 global referenceslooking at the plan clearly showed a different way of fetching the same data.seems there's some mileage in playing with the sql with subtly different parameters especially if every second counts
go to post Kevin Furze · May 14, 2016 tom, many thanksrows=31, Performance: 0.191 seconds 39025 global accessmassive difference.I should look a lot closer at whats in front of me when I look at worked examples.kev
go to post Kevin Furze · May 13, 2016 Yesterday, I asked for the latest version of cache->nodejs files. The response is 4.2.1. I will however try to find out more details if/when we are going to support 5.x.x. I would ask that intersystems add nodeJS support files to their download area.We can already filter cache, ensemble . . . and platform etc. why not nodeJs Can you please add all versions of NodeJS files to the download area including any beta versions (eg 5.x.x) I cannot be the only one asking for this information ad subsequent download kevin
go to post Kevin Furze · May 13, 2016 can you introduce cookies (or something similar) to allow you to totally disregard any results in certain areas.for instance, I'm a small developer and so I do not use Ensemble, DeepSee, Iknow and so on.also if you are on window, prehaps you could filter out VMS, Unix etcnarrowing down searches fasst is often the clue to finding what you are really searching for.perhaps a filter with a series of tickboxes (defaults to everything)kevin