go to post Kevin Furze · Dec 18, 2017 Robert, can you give a simple example please.I have an sql that I want to expose to ODBC, but that sql doesn't return sufficient for my MS-EXCEL to interpret,At the moment, I run a classmethod that calls SQL, and then converts the result (including extra calculations for a further 3-4 columns) into a CSV file. I think It would be nicer to just call the "_ClassMethod()" over the odbc connectionkevin
go to post Kevin Furze · Dec 5, 2017 not sure which "day" you want, so try this and you can take your pick of the format you want.f i=1:1:13 w !,i,"-",$zd($h,i)
go to post Kevin Furze · Nov 17, 2017 here in the middle of nowhere , I'm about 2-3 YEARS behind GMT, we still only have 14mb internet despite a direct feed from the bt exchange.is 48 hours enough ??
go to post Kevin Furze · Nov 16, 2017 Vitaliy.Thanks for the article and the links, any source may? be a good source even when its 6 years old. Luckily for us, cache is still cache.
go to post Kevin Furze · Nov 15, 2017 Thanks Robert. I'll look at those classes.one of the bits of info I was missing (obtained from Evgeny's reply) was that is DocBook.Utils thats doing the work. There's a lot of clues there.I've been hunting through the %SYS classes and documatic, but no joy.
go to post Kevin Furze · Nov 15, 2017 Evgeny,thanks for that link.Can you suggest where I can find the zip file this artical refers to please, Ive tried to find it through google translate, and even visiting intersystems.ru in the original language (I'm fluent enough to recognise "??.zip" files in the text - ha ha ) to see if I can obtain the zip file its referring to, but no joy.
go to post Kevin Furze · Nov 13, 2017 Evgeny,again, thanks for this answer. Although a bit more work, and a bit more involved, I can see the more detailed capabilities of this route. and I do like the UDM idea.Initially, a straightforward link to give them access to the standard <DOCS> but with a day or so (after investigating), I think ? I will also offer this as a possible solution. Its always difficult showing them just enough to keep them interested, and so much that we end up paying a lot of money for "hmmmmm..... thats interesting, ....another £20 please) - I jest ;-) kev
go to post Kevin Furze · Nov 13, 2017 Robert, thats something I can do quickly and safely, thanks for the instructons and the screen shots.'ll set it up tomorrow morning, and gif it a try.Looks ike a great answer.kev
go to post Kevin Furze · Aug 1, 2017 opps, forgotthe ability to searchonly those topics I've already read (I know I have in this case)the ability to search only the titles of the postings
go to post Kevin Furze · May 25, 2017 Thank you for your help. I've run Dependency Walker and the only missing .dll are of the API-MS-WIN and EXT-MS-WIN variety which I believe are false negatives.
go to post Kevin Furze · Jan 3, 2017 I've been playing with security on Cache Web Terminal and came up with one solution, but I've run into problems.Can any one help please.so. I went into the normal cache management portal, and added a new ROLE that I called "webTerminalAccess" and then assigned it to just one user called "kevin"I then edited WebTerminal.Engine and inserted the following lines after line 128 d $System.Security.GetUserRecursedRoleSet(username,.accessRoles) if accessRoles'["webTerminalAccess" { return $LB("User " _ username _ " does NOT have access to the webTerminal ") }when I test this patch for "kevin", it works correctly and allows me to log in.If I log in with "Fred" (does not have "webTerminalAccess" role) it correctly shows meServer refused WebSocket connection with the next message: User fred does NOT have access to the webTerminal See you!but then I start to get problems. I have no ability to re-log in again with another username. it just repeatedly goes round and round repeating the same message.I've allowed the session to timeout - same loop,allowed timeout to run up to 24hrs - same loop.If I comment out the new lines of code, then "fred" has access to the application.do I have to do anything different to allow me to effectively reset the connection and log in again. - Its like I need to have the /logout followed by the /clear again.no matter what I do, once the user is told "no access", I cannot log back on with ANY user (I'm stuck in "fred failed" mode)Can any one help please
go to post Kevin Furze · Jan 2, 2017 I've just installed the Caché Web Terminal now but I want to make it much more secure. (v4.0.0-beta.12)At the moment, any valid user in cache>System>Security Management>Users table can log in to the web terminal.How can I restrict the user(s) to a specific group of users ?? (ie the programmers)Is it possible to have a setting that says "kevin" is a valid user, "_SYSTEM" is not a valid userPerhaps even ip based rules (or a combination of both)kevin
go to post Kevin Furze · Dec 8, 2016 the current implementation is CSP based and uses (user based) csp licences for the interaction. Because of the way csp retains that licence for a period after "finishing with the sesssion", it would be nice to be able to use a similar implementation that does make any use of the CSP licenceskevin
go to post Kevin Furze · Dec 7, 2016 is it possible to adapt this RestAPI concept to work without using the CSP application ??kevin
go to post Kevin Furze · Oct 13, 2016 I think comments within the code counts a line, can you introduce a change that ignores comments/blank lines
go to post Kevin Furze · Oct 12, 2016 will it be possible to "turn OFF" certain search areas ?I don't have Ensemble installed, lets do away with those instantly - it must be easy to have a global switch "search only licenced options" and then automatically hide (totally - not even given the choices) anything that's not in your licence configuration
go to post Kevin Furze · Sep 17, 2016 it depends what format your date-time is currently in but I just find it hard work to start messing about with $piece etc, I use the FOLLOWS command " ] " USER>set date1=$zdth("01/02/2016 10:00") USER>set date2=$zdth("01/02/2016 20:00") USER>zwrite date1,date2 date1="63919,36000" date2="63919,72000" USER>write date1]date2 0 USER>write date2]date1 1 USER> it works in external format as well USER>s date1="2016-02-01 10:00" USER>s date2="2016-02-01 20:00" USER>w date1]date2 0 USER>w date2]date1 1 kevin