go to post John Murray · Jun 7, 2016 Maybe try "upgrading" you Cache instance to the same version as you already have?
go to post John Murray · Jun 7, 2016 Compact view is nice, but I wish the UI would remember my preference for it. Instead, as soon as I reload the page it displays normal view.
go to post John Murray · Jun 6, 2016 When you write "no process kill command affects it", are you referring to commands issued from within Ensemble Portal or perhaps command prompt?Also, what is the $ZV string of your Ensemble?
go to post John Murray · Jun 3, 2016 Now it becomes clear! I had wondered if your requirement for "string" was that it contained only printable characters. In such a case one solution could be to base64-encode the result of $listbuild. On a Unicode instance of Caché you'd need to convert it to UTF8 first. USER>s list=$lb($c(0),$c(1),"Hello",",","World") USER>s printable=$system.Encryption.Base64Encode($zconvert(list,"O","UTF8")) USER>w printable AwEAAwEBBwFIZWxsbwMBLAcBV29ybGQ= USER>s list2=$zconvert($system.Encryption.Base64Decode(printable),"I","UTF8") USER>w list2=list 1 USER>w $a($li(list2,1)) 0 USER>w $a($li(list2,2)) 1 USER>w $li(list2,3) Hello USER>w $li(list2,4) , USER>w $li(list2,5) World USER> Note that Base64Encode adds a CRLF after every 76 characters, so if you want to remove these from your "printable" you can either $TR(printable,$c(13,10)) or on 2015.2 or later you can pass a second argument to Base64Encode.
go to post John Murray · Jun 3, 2016 I don't understand what you mean by "until the list values may contain any set of characters".Nor do I understand the purpose of the second line of your terminal transcript above. None of your subsequent lines do anything with your local variable called list
go to post John Murray · Jun 2, 2016 I found this answer interesting. A bit of browsing in the history at http://docs.intersystems.com/cache.html shows that the ability to disable an index arrived in 2013.1.
go to post John Murray · Jun 2, 2016 Looks like we now have HTML formatted digest emails. Was that new in the May 30 update?
go to post John Murray · May 31, 2016 Did someone forget to sign the Windows kits? When I use the 64-bit Ensemble one on my Windows 8.1 machine I was warned that the EXE came from an unknown publisher.Examining the Properties dialog for the EXE I see this:By comparison the one for build 645 has a "Digital Signatures" tab with an ISC entry:
go to post John Murray · May 27, 2016 Amit, you have tagged this as "Developer Community". Perhaps you originally posted it to the group, which as I understand things is primarily intended for feedback about this online forum, https://community.intersystems.comI think that posts to that group are intentionally not shown on the homepage feed of new postings.It looks like it's now in the HealthShare group, but maybe changing its tag will help other people find it and respond.
go to post John Murray · May 27, 2016 Murray, the documentation section you link to recommends excluding certain directories as well as specific files. This makes me nervous, as having a scanning exclusion on an entire directory surely offers a safe haven for malware to write a payload that it subsequently executes. Can you explain the reasons for excluding entire directories?
go to post John Murray · May 26, 2016 "Ask and it shall be given unto you" - nice to see that page has now been updated.
go to post John Murray · May 23, 2016 Here's one change I'm particularly pleased to see:Ability to Create Namespaces that are not Enabled for EnsembleIn certain circumstances, it is useful to create namespaces that are not enabled for Ensemble. In this release you can do this by clearing the Make this an Ensemble namespace checkbox when creating a new namespace.
go to post John Murray · May 13, 2016 This was one:https://community.intersystems.com/post/why-does-comment-dc-question-aff...
go to post John Murray · May 13, 2016 Maybe revise the message to read "Package name can contain dots but cannot start or end with a dot", or something similar.
go to post John Murray · May 12, 2016 Thanks for your explanation Mark.Interesting to know that the ZZW command was removed, leaving only the full-form ZZWRITE one. Our Command Line Extensions implemented ZZW and ZZWRITE as synonymous. Your ZZWRITE implementation takes precedence over our ZZWRITE but at least our implementation remains accessible via ZZW.Ideally you guys would establish a policy one way or another, document it, then stick to it going forward, applying the rule consistently to commands, functions and system variables. In the past you've typically added Z* things but not ZZ* things, for example $ZCLASSMETHOD().
go to post John Murray · May 12, 2016 Thanks for posting this. I shall try and remember to use the link routinely for my exploration of the docs, as a way of testing the beta.
go to post John Murray · May 12, 2016 Yes, a useful command but I think it's inconsiderate of InterSystems to be annexing the ZZ* command-space. The facility for sites to extend the language with their own commands by writing a %ZLANGC00 routine (see here) has been useful and we at George James Software have for many years offered a free download called Caché Command Line Extensions. We deliberately made all our commands begin with ZZ in an effort not to clash with future InterSystems extensions, but our ZZW extension was subsequently overridden by the ZZW command InterSystems added in 2013.1. It seems it's only a matter of time before you sequester other commands from us.
go to post John Murray · May 11, 2016 For the information of anyone watching this thread, 1.0.158 appeared on the update site within the past 24 hours. It resolves the huge icon issue, and probably contains some other goodies too.
go to post John Murray · May 11, 2016 In Atelier go to Window\Preferences and add a software site (I called my entry "Atelier") pointing to https://atelier.artifactoryonline.com/atelier/atelier-beta-1.0/After saving that, use "Check for Updates" on Atelier's Help menu. You should be offered the update.