One way is to create a SYSTEM^%ZSTART subroutine and put some COS code in there. Read the doc here about how to do this.

Take care to read the documentation carefully. For example, if your SYSTEM^%ZSTART causes an error your environment startup could fail. Here's a simple error handler to wrap your startup actions in:

 try {
  // Your code here
 catch e {
  d ##class(%SYS.System).WriteToConsoleLog("SYSTEM^%ZSTART error: "_e.AsSystemError(),,1)

Also note that if you are using InterSystems mirroring you may want to run your startup code only on the primary. In that case I recommend creating/editing the ZMIRROR routine in %SYS (on all mirror nodes) and using its NotifyBecomePrimary entrypoint instead of SYSTEM^%ZSTART. Another benefit of NotifyBecomePrimary is that it only runs after the databases are ready to be written to. In contrast, in a mirroring configuration SYSTEM^%ZSTART runs at a point where the databases are readonly.

Manoj, I respectfully suggest that your response isn't an answer to Sansa's question, but instead it is a comment on the question. I encourage you to use the "comment" link below a question in future in this kind of situation.

Also, our question here seems to be the same as Sansa's. Are you and Sansa perhaps working on the same project? If yes, coordinating your efforts to post a single question could be useful. In some cases you may even discover your own answer as you discuss the problem, saving you the trouble of posting a question here. In that case you might still choose to post an article sharing a tip with the community.

I'll echo Katherine and say I don't think 5.0 provided that capability directly. Perhaps your 5.0 instance tied telnet logins to your own app-level authentication routine. In that case, you could be doing this kind of thing . For example, using $ZIO to discover the telnet client's address or hostname.

Please also note that there's no Cache version 2016. Rather, there are 2016.1 and 2016.2. Some things available in 2016.2 won't be available to you if you're using 2016.1 (though nothing likely to be relevant to this specific question). I recommend you (and anyone posting on this forum) specify at least the second piece of the version identifier. Even better, give us your complete $ZVERSION string.

Excellent! Congratulations to the team.

Incidentally, there are already some Eclipse updates available for the standalone version. Here's what "Check for Updates" offered me when I ran it right after install (having first uninstalled the beta and deleted its directory):

And when I went ahead with these updates I got the following security warning about a couple of InterSystems components:

I think you stand a better chance of getting responses to this if you move it to the HealthShare group and tag it with a HealthShare-related tag. The "Developer Community" tag and the "Developer Community Feedback" group are intended for posts/questions about the DC forum itself, not the InterSystems products. Posts tagged/classified like that don't appear on people's general new feed, AFAIK.

An interesting article, but I'm puzzled by your use of the term "I11n". I'm familiar with "I18n" as an abbreviation for Internationalization (because there are 18 letters between the "I" and the "n". Likewise, I understand "L10n" as standing for Localization. Some Googling suggests that "I11n" is short for Introspection. Or have I missed something?

Does your where clause need a colon in front of pVariable ?

where COLUMNC = :pVariable

If that doesn't fix it, I suggest you first check whether the problem is caused by the &sql(...) or by the way your web page is calling your server-side method.

Remove all your code between the opening &sql( and the closing ) - incidentally, I assume you have a closing ) even though it didn't show in your post.

Make your method end with QUIT pVariable instead of returning tempVariable1.

Do you still get a Javascript error?