Is there a fault with the Unsubscribe link in the emails? Here's one I received:

The highlighted link's URL is and when I click on it I get a new browser tab at the following URL:

The page looks like this:

Was it supposed to take me somewhere on the Subscriptions tab?

I think you meant to write that you changed the group and tag from Caché to Developer Community. I assume you did this because my original posting on the Caché group and tag was not sufficient to make it crosspost to the Google Group. I guess there is some human involvement in the crossposting, and this filtered my posting out.

Fabian, thank you for posting my original onto the group [Update: 3-Apr-2017 I can no longer find Fabian's post there sad]

Assuming you aren't using a really old version of Caché (5.0 or earlier), and that your users have their own userids in Caché (i.e. $username is different for each of them), then you can configure things so that certain users aren't able to read the database of NS2. This will stop them switching to the namespace as well. See documentation here and here.

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When Ensemble runs on Windows its background processes typically run with whatever Windows credentials the Ensemble service (see Windows Service Control Manager) is set to "Log on as". If that is LocalSystem then your background processes won't be able to access UNC paths.

For more information, see my post here

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