Question Cedric Daniels · Oct 16, 2023 creating a random token in Health Connect How can we create a random token within HealthConnect? any examples? #Interoperability #Health Connect 0 2 0 222
Question Cedric Daniels · Sep 24, 2021 User names and roles is there a command line function I can use to export the user file. The names off all the user in Health Share or Health Connect. Export it into some type of flat file? #Health Connect #HealthShare #InterSystems IRIS 0 5 0 518
Question Cedric Daniels · Sep 13, 2021 journal dirctories Newbie to working with silent installs. is there a variable to pass in what/where you want to place your journal files? #InterSystems IRIS 0 1 0 164
Question Cedric Daniels · May 26, 2020 accented characters How do you allow accented chracters to flow through the engine without erroring out? I read something about adding a "!" in MSH-18 to accept the default coding, but now it gives me an error about "No translation table found". Does InterSystems have anything out of the box to account for accented letters? Does this need to be coded? #Ensemble #InterSystems IRIS 1 6 0 578
Question Cedric Daniels · Mar 12, 2020 TCPKeepAlive Has anyone tried using the TCPKeepAlive function? I've been reading the documentation on this and it might be what I need to use. Any examples of how this is being used? thanks! #Ensemble #HealthShare #InterSystems IRIS for Health 1 6 0 767
Question Cedric Daniels · Nov 13, 2019 Keep Alive Packet does Health Connect have an out of box setting to send some type of "Keep Alive" packet? This is for a TCP connection. I have a vendor that will disconnect from the engine if there is a 2 hour idle time. would like to send something across every hour (if its idle) to prevent the disconnection. I'm assuming this may be something custom that needs to be created, but thought I asked the community first. #Health Connect #HealthShare 0 1 0 571
Question Cedric Daniels · Oct 7, 2019 iris service Is there a way to create an alert through the Management portal to indicate the "iris" service has stopped? #InterSystems IRIS 0 2 0 245
Question Cedric Daniels · Sep 17, 2019 Create a file and add dynamically to it Can health Connect create a file in a directory, than add data (HL7 messages) to it? #HL7 #Ensemble #Health Connect 0 1 0 289
Question Cedric Daniels · Jul 8, 2019 Purge backups thorugh task manager I'm currenlty searching the developers coummnity , but thought I asked this question while I search. How can I use the task schedulrer to purge backups? Do i have to create my own class? Examples on doing this? #Caché #HealthShare #InterSystems IRIS 0 3 0 480
Question Cedric Daniels · Jun 3, 2019 Does Health Connect 2019.1 have a message "holding queue"? I'm looking to see there is a way to create a holding queue in Ensemble. I have a ORM message that is coming into the Engine. I want to convert that message into a ADT^A04. Then send the ADT first and the Original ORM message behind it. How can I hold the Original ORM before I send the ADT message before it? #Ensemble #Health Connect #HealthShare 0 7 0 358
Question Cedric Daniels · May 2, 2019 BiDirectional interface I'm a beginner with Health connect. Trying to create a bi-directional interface. is there a specific class I should use on the business operations/services? #Ensemble #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS 0 4 0 286
Question Cedric Daniels · Feb 8, 2019 CCD to HL7 I'm a beginner using HealthConnect. Trying to bring in a CCD and transform it to a HL7 messages. Is there any documentation on how to accomplish this? thanks! #DTL #Ensemble #Health Connect 0 2 0 699