go to post Peter Steiwer · Apr 29, 2024 Hi Virat, In %OnGetFilterMembers, you will have access to pFilter, which will contain the name of your filter, "SubjectName" in this example. You will also have access to pMembers, which is an array of members that the SearchBox dropdown will use in the UI. By default, this will contain the results from sql="SELECT DISTINCT SubjectName FROM BI.Invoice". You will also have access to pFilterValues, which contains an array of already selected values. In your case, "Virat and Big Show". You would then need to use this information to remove values from the pMembers array to reduce the available members. By default, IRIS BI does this "member filtering" for you. The use of KPIs is very customized, so it requires some additional custom logic to allow this behavior
go to post Peter Steiwer · Jan 13, 2023 What are you trying to modify inside of %DeepSee.Dashboard.Utils?
go to post Peter Steiwer · Jan 13, 2023 I tried this and it worked: Parameter TestParam = "Test"; Property TestCalc As %String [ SqlComputeCode = { Set {*} = ..#TestParam}, SqlComputed ]; [SQL]SAMPLES>>select * from DC.SQLCompute1. select * from DC.SQLCompute ID TestCalc1 Test
go to post Peter Steiwer · Jan 10, 2023 Here is a quick video about databases and namespaces that may help you get started with your plan for what is needed: https://learning.intersystems.com/course/view.php?id=1130
go to post Peter Steiwer · Oct 7, 2022 Hi Ahmad, These functions do not exist in MDX, please see the MDX function documentation here: https://docs.intersystems.com/iris20221/csp/docbook/Doc.View.cls?KEY=D2R... You likely want to use the %OR function: https://docs.intersystems.com/iris20221/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?... Using %OR would allow you to reference multiple members, for example:Expression="%OR({[Demographics].[H10].[Citizenship].&[USA],[Demographics].[H10].[Citizenship].&[U.S.A],[Demographics].[H10].[Citizenship].&[US]})"
go to post Peter Steiwer · Sep 28, 2022 Hi Phillip, Specifically, Studio connects using the superserver port: https://docs.intersystems.com/iris20221/csp/docbook/Doc.View.cls?KEY=PAG... As Tom mentioned, you will need to determine which port this has been configured as
go to post Peter Steiwer · May 24, 2022 Hi Virat, Here is a good resource for getting started with InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee):https://learning.intersystems.com/course/view.php?id=1793 If you are interested in creating dashboards and exploring your data, IRIS BI is a good choice. If you are interested in traditional reporting, you may want to consider InterSystems Reports:https://learning.intersystems.com/course/view.php?id=1444
go to post Peter Steiwer · Mar 10, 2022 Thanks, this works. I did have to click the "+" icon and add a new namespace to the Explorer, since adding the namespace from InterSystems Server Manager did not pull it into the ObjectScript Explorer. This is kind of an unusual case since I don't necessarily have a project/workspace for the generated class I want to view. If I already had one, then I wouldn't need to use the namespace explorer.
go to post Peter Steiwer · Jul 20, 2021 Depending on how specific you need to make your sorting, you can also modify the custom drilldown spec with ORDER functions. If needed, you could change the measure and the direction for each level. For example: ORDER([Product].[P1].[Product Category].Members,Measures.[%COUNT],BDESC)ORDER([Outlet].[H1].[Region].Members,Measures.[%COUNT],BDESC)ORDER([Channel].[H1].[Channel Name].Members,Measures.[%COUNT],BDESC)
go to post Peter Steiwer · Jun 15, 2021 When executing a query, DeepSee will store intermediate and final results in the cache globals. As the engine was trying to create a new session, it looks like it could not access the database in e:\hs-db\tfoms\. Either this database is mounted read only (in this case you will need to create some DeepSee mappings) or the user executing the query does not have r/w permissions on this database.
go to post Peter Steiwer · Jun 11, 2021 What database is in /hs/nehi/ ? These protect errors suggest the user may not have permissions on this database
go to post Peter Steiwer · May 27, 2021 I just tested and it worked OK for me. I used the following: Class: Class DC.TestImport Extends %Persistent { Property TS As %TimeStamp; Property Bool As %Boolean; } CSV: 2021-05-27 17:43:15,0 2021-05-27 17:51:13,0 2021-05-27 17:53:11,1 Import Settings: File Name: C:\Users\psteiwer\Documents\DC\testimport.csv Charset: <Device Default> Schema: DC Table: TestImport Columns are delimited by: Special Character: , First row contains column headers? No String quote: double Date format: YYYY-MM-DD Time format: hh:mm:ss TimeStamp format: ODBC Format Disable validation? No Defer Index Building with %SortBegin/%SortEnd: No
go to post Peter Steiwer · May 26, 2021 This now works after modifying my objectscript.export "folder" setting. It was previously "src" and is now "".
go to post Peter Steiwer · May 26, 2021 Yes, the second class is in the same project as the first and both exist locally on the file system
go to post Peter Steiwer · May 26, 2021 When using 1.1.6 and 1.0.11, I am still getting a read only copy when I use Go to Definition. Are there any settings that need to be configured in a specific way?
go to post Peter Steiwer · Apr 30, 2021 We also have a sample that uses %InjectFact() inside of the %OnBuildCube() Method. Documentation here. This injects the cities "Cambridge", "Chelsea", and "Somerville" into the HoleFoods cube. These city members will exist in the dimension table, but there is no associated data (there could be, but in this example there isn't). When using the City level on rows and the default NONEMPTY, we see the following: When we turn "Show Empty" on: We now see these members with no data:
go to post Peter Steiwer · Apr 20, 2021 Hi Evgenii, I noticed this question has not been answered yet, is there a specific reason why you are looking into using a Data Connector? Typically before recommending a Data Connector, we would recommend that a new class is created and populated from a similar query that your Data Connector would have used. This allows for a lot more standard cube usage. Standard options like synchronization and detail listings would be available without needing to implement custom code to modify the SQL and they wouldn't require you to worry about using $$$RESTRICT