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Member since Dec 10, 2015

Yep. this is exactly what I did. I added a property JSON that was a string, and also added one that was a %Library.DynamicObject. Both of them when I went to assign the JSON array as in:

Set MyObj.JSON=JSONString.%ToJSON()

gave me the INVALID OREF error.

I'm going to try what some others have mentioned - pipe that data from %ToJSON() into a stream property in an object that extends Ens.Request and give that a shot.


Here's another question about the Activity Monitor with respect to having so much activity the page takes a few minutes to render.

I checked the documentation but didn't really find a way to define something like a "SiteDimension" that would perhaps list messages consumed by services (or maybe a specific category?), or messages sent by all operations in the running production in the hopes that something like that might run faster when viewing?

Please keep in mind this isn't a site that has a DeepSee license, so creating cubes, etc., doesn't seem to be something that can be done with this system.

Would a better approach be to expose the data collected via some sort of RESTful service and have something like Grafana or similar do an external dashboard? I've seen some interesting writeup's on this subject so trying to determine if staying with the built-in Activity Monitor is a viable option for a high-volume site.


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