· Mar 11, 2018
Atelier Server connection

When assigning the filter to the server explorer in Atelier to hide system classes, it works only in server explorer.

The same server explorer option linked to a given project does not appear to observe the filter setting from the server connection, and has no ability to assign filters at the project level. Is this an enhancement needed or am i missing the logical requirement?

Also when assigning a tag to this post, only Atelier 1.1 BETA comes up. I believe i am using the stable release of 1.1

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Does anyone know where the default port comes from when installing a new instance on Windows Server 2012 R2?

It constantly picks up the wrong default which is already running on the server (probably swapped over after installation) and the install fails and rolls back.

I installed again and this time without rollback but still allocated the wrong port so at least was able to manually update the cpf and then start the instance.

Would like a simpler solution to the issue and assume they are traversing some windows registry entry that may need updating.

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To be able to replace current Cache Studio user functionality in our source control system, I need to access the current project name that the atelier file belongs to when being checked out and in within the UserAction method of the source control class.
In addition to this, there also appears to be a problem in that when UserAction code is executed by the Atelier callbacks, the process is running as UnKnownUser instead of utilising the authentication values assigned in the Connection settings for the server.

Does anyone know if these properties are currently exposed?

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