go to post Cristiano Silva · Jun 16, 2020 Hi Mathew, I think that a unique single point to handle all CRUD operations does not exists. Maybe you can implement in the base class some Methods Generators to handle all situations that you need. Below the documentation of all possible callback methods: https://docs.intersystems.com/irisforhealth20201/csp/docbook/Doc.View.cls?KEY=GOBJ_callbacks
go to post Cristiano Silva · May 20, 2020 Hi Arnold, From server side directly Is not possible. All %ZEN component writes the HTML code directly to device. The method responsible for this is %DrawHTML(). A way you can do more easily is using the instance of %SQL.StatementResult to excute the query of your TablePane, and use the method %DisplayFormatted
go to post Cristiano Silva · Apr 30, 2020 Hi Yone, Try to append in the bigginer of you XML Strign the XML declarion: In the line: do mensajeXML.Write($zcvt("<ORM_O01>........ Try: do mensajeXML.Write($zcvt("<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ORM_O01>........ And check if had some character that can cause the <SINTAX > error in the cos.
go to post Cristiano Silva · Apr 7, 2020 Hi Abel, The simplet way to create a new HL7 message form a existing message is call the method OutputToIOStream from the original message and the call the classmethod ImportFromIOStream of the subclass.
go to post Cristiano Silva · Apr 7, 2020 The global ^PAADMi("No", "") is a index global, if I'm not wrong ,is a index of PA_AADM table and the field of the index is PAADM_PAPMI_NO (MRN number of patient). Maybe then idex have some problem. Do you have access to the stored procedure code?, If yes try to execute the query of procedure manually in the System Adminstration Portal. If not, I think you will need some suport.
go to post Cristiano Silva · Apr 7, 2020 Hi Eric, Ensemble manage all automaticaly. Could you post the content of tah Log Tab?
go to post Cristiano Silva · Apr 7, 2020 Hi, The error occour in the line: zPATADVICEINFOExecute+15^web.DHCENS.CDSS.PARADVINCEINFO.1 When try to access the global ^PAADMi("No", ""), the error occours because is trying to acces a null subscript. Maybe a parameter was not passed in the procedure call ?
go to post Cristiano Silva · Apr 6, 2020 Hi Abel, When we subclass a persistent class and we need that this subclass have a own storage we need to add in the inheritance class list the %Persistent class first of all classes. Shared storage Class sample.MyHL7 Extends EnsLib.HL7.Message { Storage Default { <Type>%Library.CacheStorage</Type> } } Own storage Class sample.MyHL7 Extends (%Persistent, EnsLib.HL7.Message) { Storage Default { <Data name="MyHL7DefaultData"> <Value name="1"> <Value>%%CLASSNAME</Value> </Value> <Value name="2"> <Value>ParentId</Value> </Value> <Value name="3"> <Value>DocType</Value> </Value> <Value name="4"> <Value>Envelope</Value> </Value> <Value name="5"> <Value>Source</Value> </Value> <Value name="6"> <Value>IsMutable</Value> </Value> <Value name="7"> <Value>OriginalDocId</Value> </Value> <Value name="8"> <Value>MessageTypeCategory</Value> </Value> <Value name="9"> <Value>TimeCreated</Value> </Value> </Data> <Data name="UserValues"> <Attribute>UserValues</Attribute> <Structure>subnode</Structure> <Subscript>"UserValues"</Subscript> </Data> <DataLocation>^sample.MyHL7D</DataLocation> <DefaultData>MyHL7DefaultData</DefaultData> <IdLocation>^sample.MyHL7D</IdLocation> <IndexLocation>^sample.MyHL7I</IndexLocation> <StreamLocation>^sample.MyHL7S</StreamLocation> <Type>%Library.CacheStorage</Type> } }
go to post Cristiano Silva · Mar 31, 2020 Hi Davi, A simplest way is creating a datatype class: Class system.dto.sector.SectorStatusEnum Extends %Integer [ ClassType = datatype ] { Parameter DISPLAYLIST = ",Active,Inactive,Production,Upkeep,NewValue"; Parameter VALUELIST = ",1,2,3,4,5"; } And use the datatype in your class: Class system.dto.sector.Test Extends %Persistent { Property SectorStatus As SectorStatusEnum; } Example:
go to post Cristiano Silva · Mar 18, 2020 Hi Hansel, See if these documentation can help you: https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/Doc.View.cls?KEY=GSOAPSEC_dsig
go to post Cristiano Silva · Mar 3, 2020 Hi Alberto, I think file "/tmp/RESTForms2-master/src/Form/Installer.cls" is missing in the package. Bellow the erro when try to start the container: And the print of content of folder "\backend\src\Form":
go to post Cristiano Silva · Mar 3, 2020 I think the good sense is the key, Today's compiler's optimizers detect the most of common expressions and generate the better performatic code, but we can't be obsessed with readability. A good post: Performance vs Readability
go to post Cristiano Silva · Feb 21, 2020 Andreas, Which the recommendation to migrate to IRIS if a Ensemble license is like that? Elite, Multi-Server, Platform Independent Whats happens with the license, since is not compatible with Iris?
go to post Cristiano Silva · May 20, 2019 Hi Nigel,Create a SSL Configuration in the Management Portal, then in the Business Operation Configuration you select the SSL config that you created then append a '*' in the name, this instruct the adapter to uset SARTTLS in the connecion.
go to post Cristiano Silva · Aug 2, 2017 Hi Pravin, You can create a custom task and disable the journal in the beginning of the method with this line: DO DISABLE^%NOJRN Put yor purge logic and then in the end of code you can enable again the journal with: DO ENABLE^%NOJRN These lines affect only the current process. Regards
go to post Cristiano Silva · Aug 2, 2017 Hi Joost,Try to use tha delegation action, maybe is that what you need.http://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.SearchPageZen...Regards.