· Mar 2, 2020 1m read

Simple Angular app + InterSystems IRIS example

Hi all!

I'd like to share the code we used in a hands-on session in the last InterSystems Iberia Summit (Spain) about developing a simple Angular app using InterSystems IRIS as backend.

In this sample we will:

  • Import data from a public dataset and store it in InterSystems IRIS.
  • Create automatic REST APIs using RESTForms2.
  • Build an Angular 8 app to consume the data from the InterSystems IRIS backend.

Full instructions are available in the GitHub repository.

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Hi Cristiano,

Backend image is built using this Dockerfile

In this case, it is downloading RESTForms2 using wget and then loading it into IRIS. The download is done in the Dockerfile using wget

Make sure in your logs that you had no errors while downloading RESTForms using wget.