This demo supports the programming contest and lets all the participants use the secret key and deploy their contest solutions on the InterSystems account at

Watch the video to learn more: 

⏯ Deploying InterSystems IRIS docker solutions to GKE cloud in 5 minutes
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Hi Developers!

The recording of the InterSystems Contest Kick-off Webinar: Developer Tools is available on InterSystems Developers YouTube! Please welcome:
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Voting for the InterSystems Grand Prix Contest goes ahead!

And here're the results at the moment:

Expert Nomination, Top 3

  1. vscode-intersystems-iris – 83
  2. iris-rad-studio – 78
  3. HealthInfoQueryLayer – 60

➡️ The leaderboard.

Community Nomination, Top 3

  1. vscode-intersystems-iris – 79
  2. iris-rad-studio – 72
  3. HealthInfoQueryLayer –71

➡️ The leaderboard.