
With the maturation and wide acceptance of Java, object-oriented programming has moved to the foreground of the application development landscape. Because of their rich data models and support for productivity-enhancing concepts such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, object technologies like Java, C++, and COM, are favored by today's application developers.

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Customers who switch to Caché from relational databases report that their average performance is up to 20 time faster, running on the same hardware, with no changes to the application. What is it about Caché that lets applications run so fast?

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Because of increasing business and governmental pressures to integrate their operations, the financial services industry is developing a number of standards for data exchange and other common functions. Standards such as XBRL, FpML, MDDL, RIXML, and FIXML are all specialized dialects of XML (Extensible Markup Language). Any financial services application with good support for XML will be able to communicate effectively using one or more of the emerging industry standards.

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InterSystems encourages the adoption of a flexible, practical approach to application development, rather than strict adherence to one of the prevalent development theories. This paper offers advice based upon our experience. However needs, attitudes, and styles vary; we recommend that each programmer choose the development approach that works best for them. Caché supports a wide range of development methodologies, not just those recommended here.

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· Oct 21, 2015 2m read
Why You Should Consider the Cloud


By now, anybody working in the technology sector will have heard of Cloud computing. But the concept is increasingly being paid attention to outside of IT departments, with growing recognition among boardlevel executives of the potential of this range of innovations. Frequently, senior personnel are hearing stories about how the Cloud helps organizations reduce costs, boost efficiency and expand their operations, so they’ll be excited about what the Cloud can do for them.

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This document is intended to provide a survey of various High Availability (HA) strategies that can be used in conjunction with InterSystems Caché, Ensemble, and HealthShare Foundation. This document also provides an overview of the various types of system outages that can occur, as well as how each strategy would handle a given outage, with the goal of helping you choose the right strategy for your specific deployment.

The strategies surveyed in this document are based on three different HA technologies:

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Australia's recent launch of the Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR) - a significant step towards establishing a national e-Health infrastructure - has simultaneously provided a boost to shared Electronic Patient Record (EPR) projects and delivered a wake-up call to healthcare providers about their readiness for connected care initiatives. In countries around the world, the era of connected care is here.

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Introduction - Analyzing Textual Big Data

Big Data for Enriching Analytical Capabilities - Big data is revolutionizing the world of business intelligence and analytics. Gartner predicts that big data will drive $232 billion in spending through 2016, Wikibon claims that by 2017 big data revenue will have grown to $47.8 billion, and McKinsey Global Institute indicates that big data has the potential to increase the value of the US health care industry by $300 billion and to increase the industry value of Europe's public sector administration by Ä250 billion.

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Strategic interoperability —The key to connected care


The aging population and increasing incidence of chronic diseases are putting unmanageable pressures on healthcare services, not just in Europe, but worldwide. The current models of healthcare are unsustainable in the face of increased demand for services and rising costs. This was evident even before the financial crisis led to severe cuts in healthcare budgets in many countries.

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Strategic Interoperability

Executive Overview

This white paper discusses the critical requirements for the U.S. Departments of Defense (DoD) and Veterans Affairs (VA) to share Service members’ medical records – including real-time access to a complete composite health record – and it proposes an immediate solution via implementation of a health informatics platform. This approach will provide significant and clearly visible results in a matter of months, while positioning the Departments for strategic improvements in the years ahead.

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Executive Summary

An accountable care organization (ACO) is a group of providers that are collectively responsible for the total cost and quality of care provided to a specific population of patients. Together, the group assumes risk and shares rewards. As with high-performing organizations in other industries, the hallmarks of ACOs are quality measurement and continuous improvement.

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· Oct 21, 2015 1m read
Use Cases for Unstructured Data


Experts estimate that 85% of all data exists in unstructured formats – held in e-mails, documents (contracts, memos, clinical notes, legal briefs), social media feeds, etc. Where structured data typically accounts for quantitative facts, the more interesting and potentially more valuable expert opinions and conclusions are often hidden in these unstructured formats. And with massive volumes of text being generated at unprecedented speed, there’s very little chance this information can be made useful without some process of synthesis or automation.

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Goals of the project

North Shore-LIJ is a health system serving the needs of over seven million people through 17 hospitals, 400 ambulatory practices, and three skilled nursing facilities as well as home and hospice care. Our healthcare system, including its CareConnect insurance company, is at the forefront of payment reform and population health management.

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