go to post Abid Khan · Nov 29, 2019 send: zn "namespace" ... send: set tTaskClassObj = ##class("class name").%New() send: set tTaskClassObj.<subproperty> = "some value" send: set tStatus = tTaskObj.AssignSettings(tTaskClassObj) send: Kill tTaskClassObj send: set tStatus = tTaskObj.%Save() As I was using cache terminal this did work for me (and in my case changing namespace was needed as the class was present under that namespace otherwise it was throwing <CLASS DOES NOT EXIST>) AWESOME!!! @ Eduard Lebedyuk, you saved the day. And Thanks!! to both Eduard Lebedyuk & Jeffrey Drumm. I can enjoy my weekend now.
go to post Abid Khan · Nov 27, 2019 I am actually trying to achieve task creation using Cache Terminal. Here is the bit of the script which does the work for me .. send: Set tTaskObj = ##class(%SYS.Task).%New() send: Set tTaskObj.NameSpace = "<NameSpace>" <CR> send: Set tTaskObj.Name = "<tTaskName>" <CR> send: Set tTaskObj.TaskClass = "<tTaskClass>" <CR> send: Set tTaskObj.<subproperty>= "<subproperty>"<CR> send: Set tTaskObj.Description = "<tTaskDesc>" <CR> send: Set tStatus = tTaskObj.%Save() <CR> The highlighted line is suppose that sub-property appears under the Task Type* . But this is not doing anything helping me achieve the requirement.
go to post Abid Khan · Aug 27, 2018 Hi, even having CSPGATEWAYDIR in the package/csp_gateway/parameters file csp is not getting installed in specified directory and keep saying "CSP Gateway: using built-in web server".So both these below params having no effect. ISC_PACKAGE_CSP_SERVERTYPE="Apache"\ ISC_PACKAGE_CSP_GATEWAY_DIR="/u01/cspgateway"\
go to post Abid Khan · Jul 30, 2018 myScript.scr zn "%SYS" for e="a","b","c" { w e,! } use csession with linux PIPE (|) operator: cat myScript.scr | csession {instance_name} Eg. cat myScript.scr | csession CACHE Creating a separate file(extension doesn't matter as you are using "cat") when you have got large sequence of commands would be better. see my full solution http://stackoverflow.com/a/51599831/9454903