· Aug 7, 2018
Speeding up $listget


I'm trying to find the faster way to get the data from a class, and I find it very slow compared to traditional globals. So, I hope some of you can bring some light to me :-)

I have thousands of registers in a class, and to access it quickly I'm going with $o at the index. From there, I get the values using $listget(). Something like that:

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I'm getting mad trying to get data from an external REST service that uses Basic Authentication from Ensemble. The BO worked fine when I was using a test server without authentification, but as soon as we need to go to production I cannot have it working.

So far, I've created the username/password at the credentials page (Ensemble-Configure-Credentials). I've setup the BO to use this credentials. But nothing happens.

I've tried with the Rest Client (addon for Mozilla), and using the same address, port and user/pwd works just fine.

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