We're upgrading to IRIS 2020.1 from Ensemble 2018.x.

I have a lookup table class that compiles fine in Ensemble but in IRIS causes the following compilation error: "ERROR #9101: Global name 'HH.LookupLabResultsToPhysiciansD' for 'IDLocation' is too long, must be no more than 31 characters in length."

Is this length limitation a new restriction or could I have done something years ago to increase the maximum character length.



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I have a delimited flat file that I need to read and then generate an HL7 A08 message from the fields in the file. I used the Management Portal's Record Mapper to generate the Map.Record class, then used drag & drop to map fields in the delimited flat-file to an A08 message.

But when I try testing this in the test tool, I'm getting an ERROR #6254: Tag expected . XML input. ... is not in proper format as child of Record (ending at line 2 character 11).

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