I would second Julian's suggestion (and also his note that having a password in plaintext would probably not be great), as OS auth is the most common solution I've seen for people looking to run scripts without needing to explicitly log in to terminal.

You mention authenticating by other means; delegated authentication is generally how you would implement custom authentication by writing a ZAUTHENTICATE routine. If you're not already familiar, see the docs:


That might be overkill for what you describe as a small tool though...

Depending on what this automation is, does it need to log in in the first place? Could you set it up as a task to run within IRIS? Perhaps a bit more detail on exactly what you want to do could point to other workarounds.

I look forward to seeing if other people have other solutions though.

Hello Eduard,

The following isn't a answer to your literal question, as that would probably take specific testing to see what the behavior would be. However, the best practice would be to stop a component while you're updating it. That applies to a business process and any other situation where you're updating an active component, to prevent any sort of compatibility or timing issues that could cause unexpected behavior in your production.


I recognize your frustration. I'm not an expert on this topic but I think different antiviruses have different patterns that they check for and it might not be possible to avoid all false alarms.

Kaspersky have this to say on the subject:


"A false detection, or a false positive, is a case of incorrect detection of a clean file or website as infected.

Unfortunately, manufacturers of security solutions cannot avoid false detection. At Kaspersky, we continuously improve the product testing system and strive to decrease the number of false positives. However, it is impossible to completely avoid such cases, as new threats arise every moment."

Hello Evgeny,

The ^%SYS.NOJRN tags are actually not system-wide, and just at the process level. That being said, for changing the actual database journaling status, perhaps Lucas' solution makes sense.

For more info on disabling journaling, I think Tani's article series is great. Here's his chapter on some methods to disable journaling. Perhaps you'll find something useful to you now or later:


Hello Guilherme,

Why do you ask? I can't say literally everything to your 2 questions but the vast majority of things are available across products and OSes. A few technologies have been deprecated/removed from IRIS so those won't be available, you can read about those in the IRIS migration guide available from the WRC distributions. Separately, I'm aware that there are at least a few OS-specifics that are documented as exceptions.

Do you have specific functionality that you are concerned about?

I also did not see an overwrite server option, but when I saved the catalog.cls/inventory.cls files (I used command+s) and checked the ObjectScript explorer, I saw my classes had been updated and compiled. You could mention this to the online training team as well, as the "overwrite server" item might be a detail from a previous version of the tutorial.

I'm not sure if some particular sequence could cause you to need to manually check an "overwrite server" box.

Your link is personalized to your login so I wasn't able to load it, but I found ISC1064 Building Custom Business Operations. I didn't see any references to enslib explicitly when I scanned; can you point to which module or what the instruction is asking you to do?

The exercises I see refer to the INTEROP namespace, which I see is preinstalled in the lab.

If you find something that doesn't look correct in a course, you can reach out to onlinetraining@intersystems.com for guidance/correction.

edit: once I registered for the course your link then worked and brought me to 2.2 the section on adapters, but I still didn't see a specific reference to Enslib.

Agreed with Dmitry.

You can read more about community edition, including its limitations (there's also a 10gb and 5 connection limit) below. This also gives a sample of restricting cores using docker:

Deploy and Explore InterSystems IRIS

If this is for personal use, community edition and containers could be a good option. If you're working with an org, you might want to discuss with them (or your InterSystems rep) whether it would make more sense to get a full kit and license.

Hello Muhammad,

What problem exactly are you having? Enslib is a database, not a namespace, and I've tested that the database should definitely be installed on your version.


"ENSLIB — This is a read-only database contains additional code needed for InterSystems IRIS Interoperability features, specifically the ability to create productions, which integrate separate software systems.

If you create a namespace that is interoperability-enabled, that namespace has access to the code in this database."

Hello Michael,

I'll post this on Li's original post as well, but if this is on Windows I suspect this is an issue with using the default SYSTEM account. See the following doc:

Installing InterSystems IRIS on Microsoft Windows > Windows User Accounts

"When installing InterSystems IRIS, you must choose the Windows user account to run the InterSystems service. There are two options:

The default SYSTEM account (Windows Local System account). This is used in Minimal security installations.

A defined Windows user account.

Running the Windows InterSystems service under the default SYSTEM account is appropriate for many installations, but in some cases can cause issues relating to file permissions and network security access. If you anticipate potential problems in these areas for an InterSystems IRIS instance, for example due to your network configuration or security arrangements, specify an account for the Windows InterSystems service that has the needed privileges and/or access, such as a domain administrator account.

For instructions on how to change the service account after installation, see the Managing Windows User Access to the InterSystems IRIS Instance section."

Changing the InterSystems Service Account

<install-dir>\bin\IRISinstall.exe setserviceusername <instance-name> <username> <password>

Hello Rob,

Which part of this are you having trouble with? If the files are local you can set up a file service and point it to your SFTP operations. There are built-in HL7 classes that you can use for this (in HealthShare Unified Care Record, Health Connect, and IRIS for Health).

For picking files up hourly, here are some possibilities. 


"You can configure your business service to use an inbound adapter with the implemented OnTask() method where you call the business service. InterSystems IRIS provides classes for many types of inbound adapters. See the Ens.InboundAdapterOpens in a new window entry in the Class Reference and the books in the Application Development: Using Adapters and Gateways in Productions set for details.

If you do not want to use an adapter, you can call the business service programmatically and schedule it to run using the System Operations > Task Manager page in the Management Portal. This gives you finer control in situations such as the system being down at 1:00 a.m.

The recommended approach is to configure the business service with Pool Size = 0 and then use the Task Manager to launch a task that calls CreateBusinessService() on it and invokes ProcessInput() on the resulting service instance object. The advantage of calling a business service this way is that you call it at the time you want and it runs only once. If InterSystems IRIS happens to be down at that time, your task can register an error."